What comes to mind when you think about capitalism? Grit, grind, debt, stress, competition, or rat race?

What comes to mind when you think about capitalism? Grit, grind, debt, stress, competition, or rat race? Or do you think about the freedom to travel, to own a big house, to support your family, and to relax in the lap of luxury, while being worshipped by all. We all understand that capitalism has its pit falls. There are movies like The Menu, Squid Game, The Triangle of Sadness, and even television series such as The White Lotus that show the hardships of capitalism. More and more people are quiet quitting, leaving their six figures’ jobs because they simply don’t feel fulfilled. While others are choosing to live a simple life of minimalism, embracing a slower pace where they may prioritize happiness, love, and family, over hard work and success. Society is awakening, and coming to the realization that capitalism as a whole may very well be a path to spiritual enlightenment. I’ll explain to you how and why in this video.  

I am not sure when all this anti-capitalist talk started. There were always deviant in the underbellies of major cities across the United States.  

Naturally, they used dirty and forbidden words like socialism and welfare to institute change. Then, great movies came out, emulating many of the frustrations that people all over the world were feeling. There was Parasite, Squid Game, and most recently The White Lotus. All these movies outlined the pitfalls of capitalism and how it creates large disparity gaps within a nation. However, none of these movies really touch on the fact that capitalism can be a path to enlightenment. None, except for one of my favorite movies of all time, Sorry to Bother You. I think this movie falls into the love hate category, either you love it, or you hate it. I love this movie. I have to say that this movie is probably one of the most original movies that I have seen in decades and is loaded with secret meanings. The most important one being that we can truly find enlightenment by being capitalist pigs. Let me explain.  

You see, there are three paths to enlightenment.  

The first is to withstand from all earthly pleasures, lock yourself up in a temple, or cave, and meditate for hours until you either go crazy or have a major epiphany.  The second is to live a long and tedious life of suffering. This is a life where you are constantly being picked on, bullied, talked about, back stabbed, and berated. You examine each interaction and decide how you can change from it. The third way is through pure debauchery. This path allows you to be wild, to satisfy all your earthly pleasures to the point of debauchery. The third path to enlightenment is all about gluttony and greed. You eat until your belly is about to pop. You have sex until you’re physically exhausted. You buy everything that you can get your hands on. You do this until you are literally sick. Then when you have everything that you ever wanted, and you’re still not fulfilled, you begin to ask yourself a very important question. What is the true meaning of life? This was Cassius Green’s story in Sorry to Bother. 

Cassius Green was a young guy struggling in Oakland California.  

His father seemed to have passed on and the only living relative he seemed to have was his diabetic uncle. Only his uncle is living in dire straits. The house is falling apart, and he is behind on his mortgage. Cassius and his uncle aren’t the only ones living hand to mouth. A quick look around Oakland and we can see the homeless, squatting in tents, in cars, and working at dead end jobs. Speaking of dead-end job, Cassius lands one of the worst and most degrading jobs known to man, being a telemarketer. He faces a great deal of rejection before he adopts the white voice, which allows him to excel at his position and climb all the way to the top. Once Cassius becomes a power caller, he is blinded by the money, fame, and power. He betrays and abandons his friends and breaks up with his girlfriend. However, this doesn’t deter Cassius from climbing up the corporate ladder. One meeting with Steve Lift and he realizes that the Worry-Free workers are being turned into hybrid horse people. Cassius’ conscious’s gets the best of him, and he finally realizes that he needs to put a stop to Steve Lift, and his Worry-Free organization. Only Steve Lift has become more powerful. He is backed by state and federal congressmen and senators, And the people of Oakland seem to adore him, despite the fact that he is not only destroying people’s lives, but also the fate of humanity. The best thing about this movie is that it’s been told before. It was Odin who hung himself from a tree to receive more knowledge in Norse Mythology. In the Ifa pantheon, it was Chango who died from overindulgence.  The third path is all about self-indulgence, where you begin to ask yourself if there is something more.  

Odin was able to attain knowledge and see things from an entirely different perspective.  

Unlike, patch eye, who chose to look away, and ignore the harm that he was inflicting on others. Chango, a mighty and vicious king in Yorubaland, began to understand how his cruelty adversely affected his Brothern. Cassius slowly begins to see that riches came with a hefty price. And in the end, he paid for it. Now, there are many people who believe that only rich people can become enlightened. Poor people are living in such a state of scarcity that they will never be able to get their needs met. They will never have a surplus and can never be frivolous. To say it another way, poor people can’t think behind their stomachs. Now, there are some conspiracy theorists who believe that the capitalist pigs create an environment of scarcity so that poor people are forced to take on lower wages. As a result of this, competition stiffens and people become more tribal, allowing their primal instincts to take over. This is a process of degradation that takes people further and further away from enlightenment.  

However, those of us living in the United States are at the top of the pile.  

Yes, we have stress. But at the same time, we have access to more goods and services that others don’t have quite yet. I would argue that maybe we have a little too much of those things. As a result, society is shifting. We are asking ourselves, what’s the point. What’s the point of working eighty plus hours a week at a job that’s going to axe us if we make just one little mistake. What’s the point of having a fancy expensive car that parked most of the time. What’s the point of hating different races of people when we inanely understand that they are suffering from the same problems we are. What’s the point of going into debt to get a college degree, when people with a high school diploma are making six figures. What’s the point of indulging in earthly pleasure when we know we are not going to be fulfilled. Once we become enlightened, we can see the world for what it truly is. And we then begin to make decisions that are not only good for ourselves, but for all humankind.  

Modern Mystic

Do you love witches, wizards, zombies, vampires, and ghouls? Well, you are in the right place. HiddenMovieMessages is all about doing a deep dive and analyzing the best films, scenes, characters and television series, all from a mystical perspective. Join my Patreon for private livestreams. And don’t forget to help a starving artist out. Click on the link below and buy the Voodoo Love Series.

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Modern Mystic

Do you love witches, wizards, zombies, vampires, and ghouls? Well, you are in the right place. HiddenMovieMessages is all about doing a deep dive and analyzing the best films, scenes, characters and television series, all from a mystical perspective. Join my Patreon for private livestreams. And don’t forget to help a starving artist out. Click on the link below and buy the Voodoo Love Series.