There is something that serial killers have in common, aside from killing people. They are horny. In fact, they are horny little devils. To make matters worse, serial killers are not really in touch with their sexuality. And some of them, well, they have some weird fetishes and proclivities.

There is something that serial killers have in common, aside from killing people. They are horny. In fact, they are horny little devils. To make matters worse, serial killers are not really in touch with their sexuality. And some of them, well, they have some weird fetishes and proclivities. From Norman Bates, a recluse who felt the urge to kill any woman he was remotely attracted to, to Pearl, a demented and elderly woman who still was looking to get down and dirty, to Dre, a woman battling with illness and sexual repression. Afterall, it was Sigmund Freud who believed that every man secretly wanted to have sex with his mother. These serial killers would have been A okay, if they just had gotten laid.  Today we understand that sex, more specifically sexual energy plays a huge part in who we are attracted to, and the relationships we build. In this video, I’m going to talk about the down sides of sexual energy, and how sexual repression can cause a person to go mad and kill people in a fit of rage. Please stay tuned.

Many serial killers have sex addictions 

Thank goddess, we are well into 2023 and we are starting to get some female serial killers.  The good thing about are new and modern serial killers is that the writers understood what made the male serial killers so compelling.

Norman Bates, from the 1960’s classic movies Psycho is perhaps one of the first if not the most famous serial killers. Come on now, everything about him was creepy. Marion Crane, a woman fleeing from her hometown of Arizona with 40k in stolen money in tow, checks into the Bates Motel, only to find out that Mr. Bates was a Peeping Tom. And a cross dresser, and a man who had multiple personalities, and a man who couldn’t keep it in his pants. Norman Bates was so far removed from reality, that he killed people in the guise of his mother. Norman was particularly fond of pretty girls. Yet, Mr. Bates was engaged in an ongoing battle, with two distinctive personalities fighting to take the wheel. There was the timid and passive Norman who wouldn’t hurt a fly. Then, there was his mother, an old cantankerous woman who would kill at the drop of the hat. To think that all the murders and killings could have been avoided if Norman Bates had just gotten laid.  

Why do serial killers become serial killers 

Yes, we all get a little irritable when we haven’t had sex in a while. However, sexual energy isn’t just about the physical act of sex. The mystics believe that sexual energy governs virtually all forms of relationships. It is best to think about sexual energy as a fuel source. Your car needs gasoline in order to run, and your body needs food and liquid and order to function properly. So, for you to have thriving relationships, you need to have a good source of energy. If you don’t have a good source of energy, then your relationships are going to suffer. We as children learn about relationships from our parents. The bonds that we create with them set the tone for our future encounters, love affairs, and even business endeavors. I am sure that we’ve all heard the expression that we tend to marry our parents. Sadly, if we had a bad relationship with our parents, then we tend to have bad relationships with people in general. Worse, there are some people who cut themselves off completely. They lock themselves up and forbid themselves from human connection. As a result, they lose the fuel that they need to survive and thrive.  

Why do serial killers enjoy killing 

Over time, their sexual energy becomes stale as they begin to suffer from sexual repression. When sexual energy is repressed for long periods of time, it comes out in grotesque and perverted ways. In cases of the serial killer, they begin to idolize certain people and fantasize about events, thus losing their grip on reality. Norman Bates fancied beautiful women, yet he was afraid of them at the same time. Pearl wanted to get down and dirty, even though she was elderly and physically incapable of performing sexual acts. Dre wanted to get to Nijah, and couldn’t really connect with anyone because of her secret crush and fascination with the superstar. It is safe to say that serial killers aren’t getting affection, love, and intimacy in their real life. So, as a coping mechanism, they create a fantasy world, where they are loved, cherished, and adored.  And, as I stated in my other videos, the mind, although very complex, cannot tell the difference between an experience that is real, from one that is imagined. The mind reacts just the same. So, if you think about love, your body is going to pump all of those feel-good hormones associated with falling in love. And if you’re aroused, well, your mind and body respond, whether you have a partner or not. Living in a fantasy world is mostly innocent behavior. We all daydream and fantasize. Sadly, people become addicted to the fantasy world, so much so that they lose touch with reality.  Pearl was infatuated with a young beautiful woman and thought that she had a chance with her. Norman Bates truly believed that it was his mother who murdered innocent women and not him. Dre, truly believed that all the killing was worth it, just to be held and loved by Nijah.  

Why serial killers lack empathy 

There is an old saying about addictions, the higher you go up, the harder you fall. This is why addicts will do anything from coming back down. In many cases, they would rather die than face sobriety. So, they kill to protect the fantasy. They will kill to protect the illusion. They kill to protect the imaginary relationships that they’ve conjured up in their heads. A serial killer coming down from reality is ten times worse than heartbreak. The pain is primal, and triggers innate feelings of abandonment and rejection. So, we are starting to see more characters like Norman Bates on TV, taking on different sizes, genders, and complexions. Art reflects life. And these new serial killers reflect our own sexual repressions. We live in a digital age, and now more than ever, it’s more difficult to connect. Instead, we get lost in the fantasy of social media and streaming services, without working on connecting with real people. Will we turn into serial killers? Probably not. But we are just going to be lonely, horny, little devils.  

Modern Mystic

Do you love witches, wizards, zombies, vampires, and ghouls? Well, you are in the right place. HiddenMovieMessages is all about doing a deep dive and analyzing the best films, scenes, characters and television series, all from a mystical perspective. Join my Patreon for private livestreams. And don’t forget to help a starving artist out. Click on the link below and buy the Voodoo Love Series.

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Modern Mystic

Do you love witches, wizards, zombies, vampires, and ghouls? Well, you are in the right place. HiddenMovieMessages is all about doing a deep dive and analyzing the best films, scenes, characters and television series, all from a mystical perspective. Join my Patreon for private livestreams. And don’t forget to help a starving artist out. Click on the link below and buy the Voodoo Love Series.