I have to say, I think that Swarm on Amazon Prime is the best black comedy to be released this year. Yes, I’ve checked out some of the reviews, and I disagree with most of them. I don’t believe that Swarm was wack, or over the top, or even superficial. I believe that Swarm is a cautionary tale about Stan culture. It is alive and well, on the Internet and all throughout the world.

I have to say, I think that Swarm on Amazon Prime is the best black comedy to be released this year. Yes, I’ve checked out some of the reviews, and I disagree with most of them. I don’t believe that Swarm was wack, or over the top, or even superficial. I believe that Swarm is a cautionary tale about Stan culture. It is alive and well, on the Internet and all throughout the world. We can’t avoid it. Stan Wars are everywhere, and if you do or say something that goes against popular opinion. Well, you just get cancelled. Sadly, Stan culture is not just a popular phenomenon. It is an epidemic that is infecting free thinkers, artists, and musicians all over the world. So, in this video, I am going to explain why Stan culture is ruining television and art. Please stay tuned.  

I am very much in tune with my feelings. I am also open to criticism and other people’s opinions. However, it boils my blood to hear all these modern critics bash movies.

There are countless titles on how certain movies suck, or that they are wack, or how woke culture has destroyed Hollywood and television for good. Sadly, very few of these critics truly understand movies, and the laws that govern them. Each movie has a specific genre, with tropes and characters archetypes. Not to mention the fact that it takes people years to write a tight screen play, much less create an entire movie, or television series. So, I sat wondering why people simply don’t have any respect for the art form. Then, I got it. They are part of the horde.  

Now the horde is a serious problem. In zombie movies, you see them roaming about, wreaking havoc, destroying almost everything in sight. Not many people can survive the horde, on television and in real life. Why?  Well, because the whole point of the horde is to bite you, or scratch you, and turn you into one of them. Stans, and stan communities, pretty much operate the same way. They want to infect you with their virus, so that you can take on their values, their belief system, their ways of doing things. The hardest thing in the world is to be yourself. Yet, with Stan culture, it’s very difficult to do that. You can’t log onto social media without being bombarded with dozens if not hundreds of videos, posts, and memes, to get your attention. Sadly, if you’re like Dre, and have no real parents or strong social structure to give you guidance. You’re exposing yourself to so much content and ideas that may not be aligned with your core values. Or worse, you may be submitting yourself to toxic behaviors and ideals that may not be good for you.  

The worse part of Stan culture, or being sucked up by the horde, is that you lose yourself in the process. Now, I truly believe that we are all here for a reason. I believe that we all have a purpose that we must fulfill while we are here on Mother Earth. Most importantly, I believe that our intuition links us to a subtle and mystical world that we can escape to. People who have a strong sense of intuition can create these inner worlds of peace and happiness. So much so, that they are not reliant on external stimuli, or even adhering to social norms.  However, when you get sucked up by the horde, you’re whole being changes. You begin to over-ride your intuition to a point where the voice and ideas of the horde replaces it. Worse, you become dependent on the horde. You need the horde for a sense of validation and for a sense of purpose. And most importantly, you know exactly what to do to please the horde. If the horde believes that Marvel movies suck, then you too have to believe that Marvel movies suck. And if you create content talking about how Marvel movies suck, you’re going to get rewarded with likes, comments, views, and yes validation.  

I can’t explain how dangerous this way of thinking is. Firstly, you lose your sense of self. Secondly, you lose your intuition. And without a strong sense of intuition, you will never be inspired. Without inspiration, every single movie you watch is going to suck, simply because the movie doesn’t reinforce your preconceived beliefs and principles. Worse, you never evolve to understand anything that is beyond the practical and physical. Art is often a reflection of life, and if we can’t relate to the artist, then we cannot relate to each other. Many of the artists that we love have a strong intuition. They’ve created these amazing inner worlds that they have decided to share with us. Yet so many of us are so intuitively deficient that we cannot connect with the artist and feel the emotions that they were trying to convey.  

Artists are not immune to horde and stan culture. We’ve seen so many artists lose their voice, simply because they’ve lost their intuition and or are no longer connected to nature. This is the case for many writers who experience writer’s block.  Many others still make music and art, for monetary reasons, hitting all the right buttons that stimulate their fan base, or their horde. Sadly, they lost the ability to transcend and inspire people on a deeper level. History has proven that when art dies, society is on a decline. Dre’s character in swarm is a reflection of art. Art, much like a marketing ploy, is a form of indoctrination now. The brainwashing starts when we are young. We never get a chance to find our footing, and thus we get swept up by the horde, or into stan culture. The voices of the horde replace our own intuition. We constantly find ourselves defending the horde, because anyone who threatens our belief systems is a threat to our very own existence. How do you break free from the horde? 

You start by building your own foundation. This may take you, taking a break from social media. Secondly, get out in nature. It will take some time for you to get your intuition back, but it’s well worth it. Thirdly, protect our intuition at all costs. Don’t override it, not once, not every. That voice is what’s keeps your grounded, and will keep you safe, during the stan apocalypse 

Modern Mystic

Do you love witches, wizards, zombies, vampires, and ghouls? Well, you are in the right place. HiddenMovieMessages is all about doing a deep dive and analyzing the best films, scenes, characters and television series, all from a mystical perspective. Join my Patreon for private livestreams. And don’t forget to help a starving artist out. Click on the link below and buy the Voodoo Love Series.

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Modern Mystic

Do you love witches, wizards, zombies, vampires, and ghouls? Well, you are in the right place. HiddenMovieMessages is all about doing a deep dive and analyzing the best films, scenes, characters and television series, all from a mystical perspective. Join my Patreon for private livestreams. And don’t forget to help a starving artist out. Click on the link below and buy the Voodoo Love Series.