You can stimulate creativity and transmute sex energy by unblocking your second chakra and allowing energy to flow throughout the entire body and chakra system.

Ooch! No woman wants to hear that she’s frigid. But sadly, many are. Yes, I know that there is a plethora of information out there teaching women how to be better lovers. Hell, we had six seasons of Sex and the City, where we watched women live their best lives, while being totally free of their inhibitions. However, there are no movies, or strong characters that teach us the art of sex magick, in particular the transmutation of sex energy. Well, no, character except for Nina, from the psychological horror thriller, Black Swan. She was a frigid little girl, who transformed into a sex goddess, and managed to dazzle all. What was her secret? And how can a regular plain Jane learn to master the transmutation of sex energy? The answers are all in this video, so stay tuned.  

Understanding the transmutation of sex energy 

The Black Swan starts out with Nina, a twenty something woman who still lives in an apartment flat with her mother. She is a perfectionist on all levels, but only manages to land background roles. However, there is a burning desire in her to do more, to be more. Nina’s character is typical of many women who suffer from repressed sexual energy disorder. Yes, that is a condition that I just made up. In fact, the disorder is so prevalent that it’s slowly becoming an epidemic. So, to get a better grasp on this, we need to first understand Nina’s adversary and biggest competitor, Lilly.  

What does it mean to be a sex goddess? 

Lilly is a free spirit, a transport from San Francisco. She eats cheeseburgers, parties while taking ecstasy and hooks up with random men at night clubs. She’s ambitious, and talented, much like Nina, but she’s not a perfectionist. In fact, she is the opposite of Nina in every way, and that’s what makes her perfect for playing the Black Swan. Lilly, unlike Nina is in touch with her sexuality and thus can seduce men and massive crowds with her sensuality. She doesn’t need to master technique or be perfect, her energy and passion is so powerful that it shines through. And that my friends is the main difference between a woman who are sexually repressed from others who are not. Women who are sexually repressed are mechanical, wooden, stiff, even robotic. They don’t have the ability to connect and thus get people to entrain with them. Entrainment is an artist’s way to get others to feel their emotions, their bliss, and even their joy. 

How to have sex goddess energy  

You see, sexual energy is used for virtually all forms of creation, not just the physical act of sex. The best way to think about sexual energy, is to imagine it as a fuel source. Now, let’s take this a step further and imagine that you’re living in an old building in upstate New York. It’s the middle of the winter, with blistering temperatures around fifteen degrees, negative 9 in Celsius for all of you non-Americans. You try and warm up the place by turning the thermostat up. Only, it takes forever for your place to get warm. Furthermore, it will take a lot of energy to get that place to be sizzling hot. This is the problem for women who are sexually repressed, their ice-cold, frigid in the words of Thomas, and need a great deal of time and energy to get warmed up. As opposed to someone like Lilly, who is always warm. A woman like Lilly does not let her house get ice cold. She keeps everything at a balmy seventy- five, that’s twenty-three Celsius for non-Americans. And if things get a bit nippy, she’ll just turn up the heat as needed. 


Sex transmutation meaning in Hindi 

Now, women who are suffering from sexual repression disorder have another problem, aside from living in a freezing home. They don’t have the juice, or the power, the ashé, or the chi to get those temperatures from blistering cold to sizzling hot. These women are prone to having blocks in their sacral chakra, which inhibits the energy from flowing properly. In Hinduism, the process of unblocking the chakras is known as Kundalini rising. It is a concept that embodies Shakti, a Sanskrit word that means the embodiment of power. This Shakti energy starts out at the root chakra, and slowly rises to the crown chakra. Shakti does this, so that she can be one with her mate, Shiva. Together, their power is magnified and their ability to manifest is greatly heightened. The union of Shakti and Shiva represents the balance reflected in nature, that is often referred as the ying-yang:  the perfect balance between the dark and light forces. In Ifa, this concept is known as the balance between the earthly consciousness and the heavenly consciousness.  

What is sex transmutation  

In the Black Swan, we watched as Nina constantly struggled to strike a balance between the yin/yang, and the dark or light forces inside of herself, to a point where it was driving her crazy. As a survival mechanism, she begins to compartmentalize the two distinct forces, and thus creates an altar ego. Now, we all know that there are other artists who have altar ego. Beyonce often spoke about how she transforms into Sasha fierce once she puts on her stilettos and prances on the stage. Beyonce says the Sasha Fierce is of course, fierce, and will do unspeakable things that Beyonce could never even imagine. However, the whole idea of altar egos, stems from our ancestral belief systems of spirit possessions and primordial gods.  

Understanding sex goddess mythology 

Besides, there were a great many rituals and feast, where practitioners would dance to a point of exhaustion, only to be mounted by the spirit. Once mounted, they are able to possess a sustainable amount of power and vitality. Priest and priestess would study a particular god or deity, in hopes of attaining some of their attributes and qualities. And if we’re truly lost, or hopeless, it’s almost a habit for us to reach out to some supernatural force for help. When a woman who is suffering from sexual repression disorder, reaches out to a god or a deity, she is in turn, allowing that deity to mount her, thus giving her the juice to perform a particular task. In other words, she’s getting the power that she needs to turn the heat way up. This way her sexual energy can explode. But Nina had to surrender and lose control in order to be mounted. As a result, she struggled, the perfectionist side of her couldn’t let go. Her altar ego got stronger and stronger. So strong, that it killed the perfectionist, little girl Nina. A death was necessary, in order to allow the Black Swan Nina to flourish and grow.   

Sex transmutation and energy circulation 

Now, the other thing that we have to understand about sexual energy, is that it is not only completely intoxicating, it has a compounding effect. What does that mean? It means that you become stronger with each person that you inspire or stimulate. With that said, you can imagine how strong someone needs to be to inspire a large audience, or even sold-out concerts or crowds. The energy is so invigorating that it can overpower you, and even drive you to your death. Besides, we’ve all heard of the horror stories of celebrities that overdose on drugs, or to put in plainly, just go crazy. And sadly, this was Nina’s fate. When she was finally able to release all of the repressed energy, it was so powerful, that it consumed her entirely. Well Nina’s fate be the same as yours? No. Of course not.  

Sex transmutation, wealth and peace of mind.  

There are plenty of people who have learned the transmutation of sex energy without losing themselves completely. The first thing that you need to do is keep your fire going. That means that your home needs to be always on seventy-five. In other words, you have to work on your sexual chakra. I used to do this by imagining a huge orange light over my abdomen area. Then, I would imagine the light getting brighter and brighter as it climbed over the other chakras to reach my crown chakra. To be honest, I know longer work on my second chakra. I just work on tapping into loving energy, and that does the trick for me. But if you have blocks, or are suffering from sexually repressed disorder, the second chakra is the best way to start.  

Modern Mystic

Do you love witches, wizards, zombies, vampires, and ghouls? Well, you are in the right place. HiddenMovieMessages is all about doing a deep dive and analyzing the best films, scenes, characters and television series, all from a mystical perspective. Join my Patreon for private livestreams. And don’t forget to help a starving artist out. Click on the link below and buy the Voodoo Love Series.

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Modern Mystic

Do you love witches, wizards, zombies, vampires, and ghouls? Well, you are in the right place. HiddenMovieMessages is all about doing a deep dive and analyzing the best films, scenes, characters and television series, all from a mystical perspective. Join my Patreon for private livestreams. And don’t forget to help a starving artist out. Click on the link below and buy the Voodoo Love Series.