Bodies, Bodies, Bodies, when groupthink becomes deadly.  

I think that a lot of people may have missed the hidden message behind Bodies, Bodies, Bodies.  What is that message you might ask? Groupthink.

You know, I was watching one of the best horror movies of 2022, Bodies, Bodies, Bodies, and I thought to myself. I like this movie.

It’s about a gaggle of generational Zer’s who ride out one of the worst hurricanes in a lavish secluded mansion. Only, the party gets way out of control when they play a game, formally known as wolf, but now is called Bodies, Bodies, Bodies. One by one the youngsters either go missing, or end up dead. The survivors need to decide who the killer is, and work hard to escape from him/her, before they themselves are axed.  Great movie, great premise, great plot. However, I think that a lot of people may have missed the hidden message behind this movie.  What is that message you might ask? Well, it seems that our society is grooming our youth to be woke. And woke doesn’t just mean treating people kindly, or being more racially tolerant.  It’s about sweeping people into a massive tidal wave of groupthink, where they lose their footing, and the ability to think for themselves.  I’ll explain why and how in this video.    

I was always a fan of Steve Jobs. In fact, I am ridiculed daily by Apple haters who can’t understand why I spend close to two grand on a computer with just a few extra bells and whistles.

All I can say is that I am addicted. Steve Jobs got me hooked to an experience almost a decade ago, and now, I don’t even know how to use an android, or a Dell computer. It doesn’t help that I joined the apple community where everyone and their momma brags about apple products and gadgets. It’s gotten to a point where I don’t even think about buying another brand. I just go right to the apple store. I know, I have first world problems. However, I believe that these first world problems are ruining our society. For one, we are inundated with information. There is literally no off button. Secondly, you can have anything you want, anytime you want, movies, gossip, drama, food, clothes, gadgets, if you have got the money to pay, well there is someone out there ready and willing to sell it to you. Thirdly, consumerism is fueled by greed. And people are not only trying to get you to buy goods and services. They are trying to get you to buy into a belief system. There is an indoctrination process that happens very early, where people want you to be hooked on a certain experience. This way, they not only control the products, but also the behavior that drives you to buy the products. Worse, you get swept up into this cult of groupthink, where you lose the ability to think logically. And if you don’t have a proper framework, or a set of rules that you must always follow, your life can devolve into a complete mess.  

Let’s take a look at Sophie and Bee. They are young and in love.

The only problem is that Sophie is filthy rich and spoiled rotten. Her friends ratted her out to her father, and thus she was forced to go into rehab. She comes out with not only a new lease on life, but a beautiful woman by her side. Sadly, Bee isn’t rich. Far from it. She lies about graduating from college, and even working at a gadget store in the neighborhood mall. David is a dick, who feels threatened by any man who has bigger balls than him. David clearly is the alpha male in this group, and is not use to people, especially older more handsome men, showing him up. Emma is his actress girlfriend, who only cares about being adored. With that said, she doesn’t care at all about her admirers. It’s all about how they make her feel.  Jordan is Sophie’s side piece. And Alice is a coked-up podcaster who talks out of both sides of her mouth. Now, with a character line up like this, it’s easy to understand how this party turned deadly. You have a whole bunch of people who are glued to their phones, and thus addicted to drama. So once the power goes out, and the phone reception is lost, it’s time for them to create their own drama. And what better way to do that than to play an innocent, harmless game.  

Only the game isn’t harmless. It’s filled with micro-aggressions and accusations.

Why? Well because you have people who aren’t equipped to understand their own emotions, much less others. Then, David is supposedly murdered. This is when things take a turn for the worse, and the game of Bodies, Bodies, Bodies, turns into projections, projections, projections. Everybody is called out. Everyone is accused of murder, and everyone is a suspect. And guess what? No one takes any real responsibility. Instead, they go on the hunt for the killer, airing out everyone’s dirty laundry in the process. Sophie cheated on Bee with Jordan. Jordan has a superiority complex and everyone in their clique secretly hates her. David is a spoiled rich kid who buys people’s affections. Emma thinks that everyone is in love with her. And Alice thinks that everyone wants her man. They are all drunk or high and no one, not one person, puts an end to the madness. Instead, it spirals out of control until almost everyone at the mansion is dead.  And that my friends is what groupthink, does, it slowly destroys people. It cripples free thought, encourages conformity, and worse, it causes people to get addicted to an experience that they can’t seem to escape from.  

Now, Bodies, Bodies, Bodies, is just a movie. However, horror movies, good horror movies, portray our worse fears on a macro level. 

Truth be told, many of us are afraid of adapting to a mob mentality.  And yes, maybe, the mob isn’t stringing us up, or breaking our kneecaps, or burning us as witches. However, they are canceling us. They are humiliating us by creating echo chambers where ideas and opinions slowly become facts.  All those who conform are rewarded with more likes, shares, and an increase in visibility in the algorithm. While those who don’t conform, well, I don’t need to tell you what happens to them. Group thinking destroys original thought, and without original thought, there are no rebellions, no massive inventions, no art that completely changes an industry. Without original thought, we are society that will cease to exist.  

Modern Mystic

Do you love witches, wizards, zombies, vampires, and ghouls? Well, you are in the right place. HiddenMovieMessages is all about doing a deep dive and analyzing the best films, scenes, characters and television series, all from a mystical perspective. Join my Patreon for private livestreams. And don’t forget to help a starving artist out. Click on the link below and buy the Voodoo Love Series.

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Modern Mystic

Do you love witches, wizards, zombies, vampires, and ghouls? Well, you are in the right place. HiddenMovieMessages is all about doing a deep dive and analyzing the best films, scenes, characters and television series, all from a mystical perspective. Join my Patreon for private livestreams. And don’t forget to help a starving artist out. Click on the link below and buy the Voodoo Love Series.