Warning! Burnout Can Turn you into a Zombie!  #Izombie 

If you clicked on this video, then chances are, you’re a zombie. I know, you’re not a hundred-pound, walking, rotting, stinky piece of flesh. You’re probably burned out, fed up, and on the verge of going postal. Let’s just go over your symptoms. Shall we? Do you want to kill your boss? Straggle your husband? […]

If you clicked on this video, then chances are, you’re a zombie. I know, you’re not a hundred-pound, walking, rotting, stinky piece of flesh.

You’re probably burned out, fed up, and on the verge of going postal. Let’s just go over your symptoms. Shall we? Do you want to kill your boss? Straggle your husband? Fake your disappearance so that everyone thinks that you’re dead? Do you dream of going Awal, and living in an exotic country?  Or maybe you just lost yourself. You’re no longer motivated by the daily grind of showing up to work each day. You feel like you’ve lost your edge. Or maybe your relationship has gone stale, and you don’t know how to bring the spark back. Or maybe, you just want to sit on the couch all day, eating popcorn, ice cream and cookies, while binge watching all five seasons of iZombie on Netflix. Yep, sounds like you have the b*tchy work zombie syndrome. No need to worry because in this video, I am going to help you find a cure.  

The first thing that you need to understand is that you’re not alone. Millions of people suffer from b*tchy work zombie syndrome.

In fact, I think that it’s a growing epidemic. And if we don’t find a natural cure soon, well I think that we might just find ourselves in the middle of a major apocalypse. Apocalypses are not natural disasters, rather they are man-made catasophres that wreak havoc on social structures and test our limits. For many reasons Bitchy Work Zombie Syndrome can go undetected for years, even decades. These are the years of indoctrination, where society is programing your twenty something brain to conform. Society wants you to go into massive amounts of debt to get a college degree, a fancy car, a house with a pool, deck, and massive backyard. Society even pressures you to choose a spouse who you know is not good for you, but hey she looks good, or he makes a lot of money. Basically, you’re being pressured to make really bad decisions at an early age. Worse, you’re ignoring your inner voice. To put it bluntly, you’re dying inside. You’re slowly becoming a zombie. Zombies in real life are people who’ve lost their spark, their creativity, their inability to connect to their inner child. In truth, real life zombies have suffered such a grave level of apathy, that it’s virtually impossible for them to get their spark back.  

So people settle for quick fixes. In fact, it’s almost common for people to have unrealistic expectations when it comes to attaining success. Social media, consumerism, and access to credit cards have made everything super easy. So much so that we have become spoiled, throwing temper tantrums when we believe things to be too hard. As a result of this way of thinking, we’ve become averse to struggle and pain and avoid it at all costs. With no pain, there is no gain, thus we find ourselves grasping at illusions, seeking external pleasure without any real fundamental growth.  

Struggle is what gives us vigor and a sense of purpose. It’s pain that allows us to have a spine of steel and the self-confidence that we need to follow our dreams, despite the naysayers.  However, many of us are facing a huge problem. We are now living in a society where the bad guys win. We live in a society where skill isn’t the most important factor, popularity is. Let’s take a look at Liz and Blaine from iZombie.  

Liz, a doctor who had her whole life figured out, is suddenly derailed by a drug dealing thug.

Blaine, is a bottom of the barrel hustler, who claws his way to the top– no pun intended, by creating his own ring of super rich zombies. Blaine for a lack of better words, isn’t a nice guy. He scratches unsuspecting victims, intentionally turning them into zombies, then forcing them to pay large amounts of money for human brains. Where is he getting the brains from you ask? Well Blaine is hanging out at skate parks, abducting teenagers, and yes, you guys guessed it; he’s selling their brains to other zombies. The irony of all this is that Blaine becomes incredibly rich and powerful. He even has detectives and cops kissing his ring. While Liv lost her career, her boyfriend, her beautiful peaches and cream complexion, and the inability to eat chocolate. Damn you, Blaine!  But things like this happen all the time. People can work at a job for five or ten years, only to get replaced by a new twenty something once they get burned out. Men can cheat on their women, because she put on too much weight, or women can leave their men whey they lose that six-figure job.  

For those who are suffering from Bitchy Work Zombie Syndrome, people are expendable.

It’s not because they are zombies, and they just don’t care. It’s simply because they don’t have the energy needed to save the relationship. In many cases, it’s easier to just count their losses and move on. We live in a society of low effort and high gains. Dating apps and social media have tricked us into believing that if we keep throwing our hat into the ring, we will find success. Who needs to develop a skill or acquire a level of mastery when you can just dance your way to riches, or in Blaine’s case, scratch your way to the top. But the people who make it big are outliers, or worse, they were rich and had connections from the very start. A small percentage of people are actual winners. They hit the social media jackpot, and then have to work day and night, hoping that they will have another stroke of luck in the near future. But social media influencers suffer the same fate as regular old employees, there is always someone else in line to take their place.  

So, now that I’ve gone over all the horrors of Bitchy Work Zombie Syndrome, what is the cure, well you’re not going to believe this, but the cure is love. I know, it sounds crazy right.

But love has a tremendous amount of power, and that’s not mystical fluff. When you approach anything from the basis of love, your brain produces dopamine, a feel-good hormone that can put you over the moon. The human brain has evolved over the years and realized that people ain’t going to do nothing difficult without some kind of reward.  So, you will get major dopamine hits in times of struggle and frustration in order to complete a difficult task. However, getting on a loving vibration can be incredibly hard. Ironically, you’re going to have to experience some pain in order to get there. I know, there is always a catch. But the good news about being on a loving vibration is that you can find inner joy without having to change your external environment. You don’t have to quit your job or cut someone off because they’re toxic. Instead, you need to accept the fact that the world is filled with pain, struggle, strife, and yes, other zombies.  And you? Well, you’re going to need to find the inner joy to get through that. This way, you will spring back to life, and be cured from Bitchy Work Zombie Syndrome.  

Modern Mystic

Do you love witches, wizards, zombies, vampires, and ghouls? Well, you are in the right place. HiddenMovieMessages is all about doing a deep dive and analyzing the best films, scenes, characters and television series, all from a mystical perspective. Join my Patreon for private livestreams. And don’t forget to help a starving artist out. Click on the link below and buy the Voodoo Love Series.

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Modern Mystic

Do you love witches, wizards, zombies, vampires, and ghouls? Well, you are in the right place. HiddenMovieMessages is all about doing a deep dive and analyzing the best films, scenes, characters and television series, all from a mystical perspective. Join my Patreon for private livestreams. And don’t forget to help a starving artist out. Click on the link below and buy the Voodoo Love Series.