Yes, I needed to make this video to explain why Candyman 2021 is the best urban legend movie of all time. Yes, Candyman 1992 was good too. Yet, the new and improved version is wonderfully shot, with depth, focus, and to be honest, a better story line

Yes, I needed to make this video to explain why Candyman 2021 is the best urban legend movie of all time. Yes, Candyman 1992 was good too. Yet, the new and improved version is wonderfully shot, with depth, focus, and to be honest, a better story line. While Candyman 1992 can easily be considered to be a cult classic. Both iterations of Candyman pack a hefty punch, that extends beyond psychological thrillers and jump scare horror films. Yes, my friends, Candyman takes more of a mystical approach, with a grave deal of hidden meanings and messages that I will reveal in this video.  

What is the meaning of Candyman the movie?  

I never really got into the whole Jason v Freddy Krueger thing. C’mon, the whole premise is silly, it’s almost like Chucky’s Revenge. Or Chucky having a girlfriend. These kinds of movies lean more into camp and sensationalism, than real movies with an actual plot, with a solid premise and subliminal messaging. Truth be told, Freddy Krueger and Candyman have much more in common. And if the Hollywood machine is looking for another mindless blockbuster. Well, I think I just gave them another great idea. No, on second thought, I don’t think that Candyman would go over well. Candyman, actually has a lot of layers, and he puts a great deal of thought into his killing. I know, Freddy Krueger is just as creative, with snarky one liner, that we just can’t forget, “want to suck face.”  But Candyman is just too smooth, he’s like the Billy Dee Williams of killing (Colt 45).  

Candyman 2021 ending explained 

In real talk, Candyman and Freddy Krueger have a lot in common. For one, they are both summoned by their victims. Candyman is summon when you say his name five times and Freddy Krueger invades your dreams when you start to think about him. Secondly, they both thrive on fear and pain. The more fear you have, and the more pain you’re in, the greater likelihood of you being gutted alive. Thirdly, they are both conjured up by our collective subconscious mind. Notice that Freddy Krueger never slayed one victim. In fact, he terrorized a whole neighborhood. While Candyman appeared to get stronger haunting the residents of Cabrini Projects in Chicago. Both villains are mass murderers. Yet, they can only survive if people believe in them. Afterall, they are not called urban legends for nothing.  

Is the Candyman a true story 

Time and time again, we underestimate the power of money. Money literally has no intrinsic value. We as a people give it value by believing it has some magic power over us. As a collective, we’ve all gotten together on a subconscious level and agreed that the almighty dollar, or the pound, or the euro is a powerful tool that can either buy us freedom or shackle us into wage slave hell. The point that I am trying to make is that our thoughts are very powerful, just on an individual basis. However, when we begin to think collectively, our thoughts and beliefs have a magnifying effect. And can change the world as we know it. Afterall, no one could take down the Roman Empire, except for Christianity. It was a resurgence of a spiritual belief that caused this major empire to implode. And the powers that be understood that it was much easier to rule people with thought than with force. And thus begin the widespread campaigns to dominate people’s thoughts. We are indoctrinating from the very moment we leave our mother’s womb. We are told what to believe, who to believe, what to fight for, who to love and hate. In truth, we don’t have many thoughts and ideas that are truly our own. Or, if we have any doubts, we pushed them way down into our subconscious mind. The only problem is, those thoughts have great power too. Sadly, they become more powerful when grouped together on a subconscious level. And those thoughts can change the entire world as we know it.   

Is Anthony the Candyman 

And that my friends are what Freddy Krueger and The Candyman represent. They represent all of our deep-seated pain, trauma, and fears that are buried in our subconscious mind. Of course, we writers use storytelling to convey this type of messaging. And these characters are merely amalgamations of all of our collective pain and deep-seated fears that we all possess. I know, I told you the Candyman was deep. Just look at the imagery that is used in this movie. Much of it is filmed in the Caprini projects where there is a cluster of lower income buildings that house the downtrodden and cyclically oppressed. Later, it becomes a breeding ground for crime and drugs, along with a cycle of poverty that the residents can never escape from. This is the reason why the legend of Candyman is upheld, and why folktales and summoning of his presence will be continued, despite the obvious consequences. Perhaps this is the worst thing about collective conditioning. Congenial thoughts on a subconscious level are chaotic, unreliable, and really can’t be controlled. The pain is so intense, almost like hot lava, boiling in a volcano before it explodes. In Candyman 1992 victims were mere casualties, caught in the crossfires of the Candyman’s wrath.  

What happens to Anthony in Candyman?  

While in Candyman 2021 William believed that he could control the Candyman’s anger. He believed that he could direct the Candyman’s pain, by targeting corrupt government officials. Was he right? I am not sure. He was successful in bringing the Candyman back to life, ensuring that Anthony was going to be the vessel for him to reside in. And even though William was hooked and gutted, it did seem like Brianna was going to be able to control Candyman and use him at her behest. In fact, that sounds like a really great series. Bianca is able to control the Candyman and use him to kill all of her enemies. Now, that sounds like a movie made for Hollywood. What do you think? Do you think that the Candyman is the best urban legend movie ever made?  Please sound off in the comments below.  

Modern Mystic

Do you love witches, wizards, zombies, vampires, and ghouls? Well, you are in the right place. HiddenMovieMessages is all about doing a deep dive and analyzing the best films, scenes, characters and television series, all from a mystical perspective. Join my Patreon for private livestreams. And don’t forget to help a starving artist out. Click on the link below and buy the Voodoo Love Series.

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Modern Mystic

Do you love witches, wizards, zombies, vampires, and ghouls? Well, you are in the right place. HiddenMovieMessages is all about doing a deep dive and analyzing the best films, scenes, characters and television series, all from a mystical perspective. Join my Patreon for private livestreams. And don’t forget to help a starving artist out. Click on the link below and buy the Voodoo Love Series.