Soul mate connections are all about being vulnerable, making the necessary changes to your soul contract, in order to have enlightened relationships.

Soul glow means more than having artificially processed hair. It means that you need to dig deep and find your inspiration. Why? Because that is what is going to help you find your soul mate, soul tribe, and even your soul mate connections. Divorce rates are on the rise. People are unhappily single, and some have just given up on dating all together.  Now there are some people who would contribute their misery to movies like Coming to America. Besides, it sends an awful message about love and relationships. A woman tossing aside her rich boyfriend for an African student, a man, tossing aside his betrothed for a commoner in another country, all for love. Movies like this innately teaches us that love is going to miraculously happen if we, give the nice guy or chance, or don’t make looks and submissiveness a priority. However, finding your soulmate will involve you, re-examining your soul contract, and maybe making a few changes from within to make that soul mate connection. Here’s how.  

What is a soul contract?  

Coming to America opens with Eddie Murphy playing Akeem. Akeem is a prince and the future ruler of Zamunda. On his twenty-first birthday he will be betrothed to his beautiful future queen. The betrothal is an arrangement between his father of Zamunda and the neighboring military ran country next store. Akeem meets his bride, and she is indeed stunning.  Yet, he is underwhelmed by the fact that she has been trained since birth to please him. Akeem, looking for a woman with her own opinion,  seeks out to find her in the world of plenty, America, in particularly Queens. Akeem does this with the intentions of finding his soul mate, his true love. However, Akeem fails to realize that all soul mate connections are arranged marriages. Many of them are arranged in the spiritual world. And in many cases our mates, family members, and even our names are chosen before we are born. Unlike arranged marriages on the physical plane, we don’t get together to foster peace deals or to avoid a military coup or impending war. We get together because we need our partner to help us grow while we are here on the earthly plane.  

Understanding Soul Connection Signs 

And all this is done in our soul contract. We signed them with our blood, while we are still souls, and swear that we will fulfill the obligations of that soul contract, no matter what. So this is why we didn’t innately question Akeem, flying halfway across the world, to another continent to find his bride. Besides, we all know that there are thousands of beautiful women in Africa. He could have just found his queen there.  However, Prince Akeem was answering his calling, a calling that was outlined in his soul contract. Sadly, honoring a soul contract is hard, simply because these types of things are written in the spiritual world. And as we live out our lives here on the earthly plane, in particularly in America, we get side-tracked, by people, money, and events.  

Understanding soul to- to soul connections 

We’ve all felt it before. When you run into someone and you feel that rush, that spark, and that connection almost instantly. You feel like you’ve known them for years, even though, you just met. This happens because there are certain people who are here to help you fulfil your dream and/or mission. But also, on another note, there are some people who are here, to block you from it as well. Prince Akeem wanted to travel to America to meet his queen. He wanted to live like a commoner, under the guise of a college student, to get a better understanding of how real people lived. While Semmi, his pestering side kick companion, was averse to living in squalor. He had grown used to all the finer things in life. And found that he couldn’t bear to live without them. Semmi worked against Akeem in every way, buying fancy gadgets, and turning their modest apartment into an upscale pen house. Lastly, it was King Jaffe Joffer, Akeem’s father who believed that his son would never want to marry Lisa. Afterall, she was a commoner. Both Semmi and King Jaffe Joffer proved that there are certain people in your life, who can discourage you from fulfilling your dreams and destiny. However, there are also events, barriers so to speak that can stop you from meeting the man or woman of your dreams too. The most common barrier is money.  

Yes, soul mates are real!  

Earlier in this video, I said that there is a difference between the laws of man and the laws of nature. While inspiration, connection, and love fall within the laws of nature. Money falls within the laws of men. And sadly, many of us have a difficult time navigating both planes. As a result, we sacrifice one for the other. We might sacrifice love for money like Lisa and Akeem in Coming to America. Akeem was more than willing to sacrifice his title and wealth, for love. But here is the kicker, we really need both money and love to have great relationships and to fulfill our dreams and our destiny.  

Understanding the concept of soul mates and lost love 

You see the whole concept of money is something that is relatively new. Back in our ancestor’s day, people got together simply because they needed one another for survival. The woman needed a man to protect her, from other men, and predators. And the man could get laid, only after he showed his physical strength. So, to make a long story long, only the most powerful men survived and pro-created. As a result, women were only attracted to the roaring, raging, alpha male. Fast forward to today, and men are not clunking people over the head, to showcase their power. Today, they’re making money, and lots of it.  Money, not strength is what puts a man at the top of the food chain. The only problem with being on the top, is that you become vastly afraid of being knocked down. These men lose the ability to be vulnerable, and thus become incapable of finding real soul mate connections.   

Why people give up on love 

For women, it’s the opposite. They’ve been clunked over the head, used, and abused by all of these power-hungry men, that they given up on love, and romance, and even the fairytale for that matter. What they settle for instead, is security, and safety. Because that’s all their cave men boyfriends can give them anyway. These are people who live strictly under the laws of men, and thus are in relationships that are purely about their survival. The man is overly obsessed with power, and the woman overly obsessed with safety and security. In these relationships there is very little love, or intimacy, or connection for that matter. People are merely together to serve a primitive or common need, and the relationship doesn’t go very far beyond that. Men want sex and not love, and thus result in game playing to get it. Women want security and thus come up with their own set of rules and games to get it. No one wants to be vulnerable. No one wants to risk being played the fool and never truly finding love. This results in a pimp hoe relationship, where there is always this internal struggle for power.  But being vulnerable is the only way to honor the soul contract.  

Understanding Soul Connections 

Let’s just take another look at the two characters from Coming to America. Lisa risked the judgement of her father, and all the feelings of being safe and secure, for Akeem. An African man who she believed was a goat herder. Akeem left his home country, disobeyed his father and was even willing to give up his wealth and throne for love. The single thing that enables a couple from living in survival mode, to enlightened mode, is the sacrifice. And that means being vulnerable and giving up the things that you desire most. So, a lot of us are holding on to certain ideas, and certain people, that no longer serve us. Then, we fail to understand why were lonely, or why we keep attracting losers and bums. We are not being honest, or even vulnerable with ourselves, as far as what we want, and what we are willing to give up to get it. So, what are you willing to give up to attain true love to have an amazing soul mate connection?  

Modern Mystic

Do you love witches, wizards, zombies, vampires, and ghouls? Well, you are in the right place. HiddenMovieMessages is all about doing a deep dive and analyzing the best films, scenes, characters and television series, all from a mystical perspective. Join my Patreon for private livestreams. And don’t forget to help a starving artist out. Click on the link below and buy the Voodoo Love Series.

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Modern Mystic

Do you love witches, wizards, zombies, vampires, and ghouls? Well, you are in the right place. HiddenMovieMessages is all about doing a deep dive and analyzing the best films, scenes, characters and television series, all from a mystical perspective. Join my Patreon for private livestreams. And don’t forget to help a starving artist out. Click on the link below and buy the Voodoo Love Series.