Embracing the Darkness: Exploring the Power of Feminine Energy

The truth, hiding who you are, is killing you. Worse, you’re destined for a life of hardship and heartache if you don’t embrace all of your witchy talents and tap into your dark feminine energy.

It takes a lot of courage to be yourself. And you have to get through life, without becoming the person others want you be. It’s hard to be true to yourself, especially when you don’t know who you are. This is the case for witches and mystics, who may very well have a stigma attached to your name. You may think that you’re playing it safe by staying in the broom closet, by keeping your cauldron a secret, or tucking your rose quartz in your back pocket, so nobody can see. The truth, hiding who you are, is killing you. Worse, you’re destined for a life of hardship and heartache if you don’t embrace all of your witchy talents and tap into your dark feminine energy. So, in this video, I am going to explain why it’s important for you to come out of the broom closet and accept who you are, once and for all.  

What is Dark Feminine Energy 

Do you all remember watching Pretty Woman? It was a modern-day retelling of Cinderella. Only Cinderella wasn’t an orphan girl being mistreated by her stepmother and sisters. Instead, she was a prostitute named Vivian. Vivian didn’t have a fairy Godmother. However, she did have lady luck on her side. She strikes gold when she is hired to be a wealthy businessman’s girlfriend for the week. And, she hits the jackpot when they both seemingly fall in love. Vivian had some witchy powers, aside from being a red head, and beautiful. Yet, she refrained from kissing, because then the sex wouldn’t be just sex, it would be about love. Underneath it all, Vivian was afraid of being vulnerable. She was afraid of rejection, despite her dreams of being rescued from an abusive home by a knight on a white steed. Edward offers Vivian a chance to be his mistress, a kept woman, who would have an apartment, car, and allowance. This would be any escort’s dream. However, Vivian is deeply offended by the gesture. Despite her line of work, she seems to innately understand her worth, and her ability to beguile a handsome rich man. Vivian taps deeply into her witchy powers (also known as the dark feminine powers) causing Edward to peruse her, and cajoling her to be with him, as his equal and life partner. 

Unlocking the power of dark feminine energy   

 Remember Danny from the first season of Game of Thrones. She was beautiful, young, and innocent. Sadly, she was in the sole custody of her abusive older brother who basically sold her for an army, that he could never command.  Fact and fiction aren’t much different in this case. Back in the day, it wasn’t uncommon for women to be sold off, to maintain peace between dueling tribes or countries. Or, for two nobles to marry their children to combine power and wealth. In many cases, women were viewed as subservient and thus were subjected to beatings and other forms of mistreatment. However, things seemed to change when women begin to tap into their power of dark feminine energy. Danny’s whole life changed with the birth of her dragons. Just as many other women found a sense of recourse, by visiting the holy temples and seeking the services of mystics and yes witches. In short, dark feminine energy has helped woman all throughout history, break chains of oppression, and to live a life of freedom. 

How to unleash your inner goddess 

To be fair, relationships have seemingly always been transactional. Princesses were married off to maintain peace between neighboring countries and tribes. Rich and noble families used marriage to combine wealth and status, and woman chose to be the second or third wife just to have a roof over their head. However, it was witches, and divine priestess who sought to level the playing field. They use their black magic and dark arts, to help turn a bad situation into a good one. Catherine, the Serpent Queen and Black Witch was married off to maintain the peace between Italy and France. All the odds were stack against her. She wasn’t attractive, she wasn’t rich, and she didn’t have a supporting family. She wasn’t even able to give her husband Henri an heir for the first ten years of their marriage. What Catherine did have was a magician, who used potions and sacred knowledge to turn things around in her favor. Even Catherine’s nemeses Diane, and Henri’s older mistress, used beauty potions and love spells to maintain her youth and the hold that she had on King Henri.  

How to tap into your dark feminine energy 

Society didn’t always stigmatize women who use sex to gain wealth and power. Charlotte from Harlots was never able to marry a rich businessman like Vivian. However, she was able to win over the heart of Sir George Howard, and thus becoming a kept woman.  Ironically, her profession didn’t deter her desirability. In fact, almost every man wanted to be with her. Charlotte sister Lucy also rose up in the ranks of desirability, becoming a sought after and famous courtesan. We’ve all heard the stories of famous courtesans charging thousands of dollars for just one night with them. We’ve heard about courtesans influencing powerful politicians and nobleman and even seeking leaderships positions for themselves. In Harlots, both Margaret and Lydia owned successful brothels, thus proving that women could earn a very good living just selling sex. Well, it wasn’t just about the sex.  It was about the entire experience. The women in these brothers were more like artisans than prostitutes. They just didn’t understand the art of lovemaking and seduction. They understood the importance of creating a fantasy, or creating an experience that men became addicted to. Sadly, many people have a limited understanding of all their human emotions. As a result of this, a courtesan can easily manipulate their behavior. The goal of the courtesan is get her John to come back for more, more, more, and more, fostering a dependency that he can never break free from. This process ensures that the courtesan will always have dollars and coins in her pockets. And that her John will be hooked, even as she advances into old age. So what happened? How did powerful women who reached the top of the social economic ladder fall from grace? Well, it all started when woman failed to understand their dark feminine energy.  

Dark feminine energy activation 

Hustle culture is real, and it is thriving in the United States and throughout the world. Many people believe that hustle culture is just working hard to achieve a certain goal. However, it has evolved to be more than that. Now, hustle culture is all about exploitation. It’s about trickery and deception. People are not looking to even make exchanges. They are looking to put someone else at a considerable disadvantage, all for profit. When see this happening in the movie Zola, when a waitress and part-time exotic dancer is lured into a life of crime and prostitution. She is promised big earnings by dancing in a club in Florida, only to find out that it’s a hole in a wall. Then, she finds her picture up on Back Page, an underground website for sex workers. Zola refuses to have sex for money. However, Stefani needs to work to care for her young child. She sells herself short, selling her services for a mere $150 before jacking up the price to $500. Stefani makes almost eight thousand dollars in one night. This pleases her pimp, and forces Zola to be his accomplice in crime. They go from John to John, Zola carrying a gun and negotiating all the terms and prices. Yet, unlike Charlotte, or even Lucy, both girls are forced to work against their will. And it seems that both girls are being poorly compensated for doing almost all of the work. Zola gets darker as we begin to realize that there is no escape for these ladies, mimicking the harsh world of sex trafficking and exploitation.  Stefani will never find her prince charming. She will never get swept off her feet by a wealthy businessman. Instead, she will work in dangerous situations, until she is maimed, or sadly killed.  

The power of the divine feminine 

Zola is the primary example of woman not fully understanding their dark feminine energy. Dark feminine energy needs to be balance with the light, in order for a woman to evolve and grow. If a woman is soley using dark feminine energy she will regress, and her life will devolve into a tail spin. She will never have the ability to inspire, or even transform her life, or that of others. What’s the solution? We need to understand that light and dark forces don’t contradict one other. Rather, they work together, in harmony with nature. Once we tap into these forces, we can just relax, and allow mother nature to steer the ship, take hold of the reigns, or the wheel. She is powerful. She knows what’s good for you, and can get you to your destination way faster than you ever could. So just surrender and allow nature to do all of the work.  

Modern Mystic

Do you love witches, wizards, zombies, vampires, and ghouls? Well, you are in the right place. HiddenMovieMessages is all about doing a deep dive and analyzing the best films, scenes, characters and television series, all from a mystical perspective. Join my Patreon for private livestreams. And don’t forget to help a starving artist out. Click on the link below and buy the Voodoo Love Series.

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Modern Mystic

Do you love witches, wizards, zombies, vampires, and ghouls? Well, you are in the right place. HiddenMovieMessages is all about doing a deep dive and analyzing the best films, scenes, characters and television series, all from a mystical perspective. Join my Patreon for private livestreams. And don’t forget to help a starving artist out. Click on the link below and buy the Voodoo Love Series.