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I bet you didn’t know that cultural appropriation is the new form of soul snatching.

Yep, movies like Get Out, and the Skeleton Key warn us about the dangers of taking people’s languages, hairstyles, beliefs, and customs without fully understanding the context and rituals that they came from. Afterall, we only want the cool stuff, you know that stuff that’s in style. Who cares about the other rituals that are thousands of years old, we don’t need that. We rape, steal, and pillage, without understanding that every little thing that we take from other people is an assault against their souls. As a result, they become weaker, and we become, stranger. Yes, my friends, we are slowly becoming modern day Frankenstein. America’s melting pot has devolved into a pale slop, not befitting for pigs, much less human beings. In our quest to be best, we have become so Frankensteined, yes that is a word I just made up. Like I said, we are becoming so Frankensteined that we are slowly losing our humanity and connection with Mother Earth. So, if you want to avoid the curse of Frankenstein, watch this video.  

The whole idea of the melting pot isn’t something that is really new.

People of all races, creeds, and backgrounds, have been coming together for ages, to break bread, and share their secrets. However, something strange happened about two hundred plus years ago, when a certain group of people arrived via slave ships. They were told that their customs, religions, and beliefs, were not valid. Worse, they were told that their religions were evil. Thus, they were stripped of it all.  That’s when the soul snatching began. Chris Washington, from Get Out is the representation of this soul snatching, soul robbing process. He was an orphan boy, carrying the guilt of not rescuing his mother in a timely fashion. Caroline, not black, but a free-spirited woman, was raised by her single parent, was riddled with the guilt of abandoning her father. Notice that both characters are part of marginalized groups. Both characters are weighed down by guilt. Both characters are looking for family and connection.  

I can hear the naysayers now in the comments right now. What is she talking about?

Caroline wasn’t part of a marginalized group. Hey smart ass, we are talking about the Skeleton Key. It’s a Hoodoo movie where witches were hanged. If we were dig deep, lots of witches, black, white, purple and otherwise were burned, whipped, and even persecuted for their beliefs.  This was all by design to debase the power of the divine feminine and the strength and influence of other female deities.  In fact, in my other video on the Skeleton Key, I argue that if Caroline really tried to learn Hoodoo, she wouldn’t have been such an easy target for Mamma Cecil. In truth, both Chris and Caroline were broken, lost souls so to speak. Chris wanted to be loved and accepted by the Armitage’s, much like Caroline wanted to be loved and accepted by Ben and Violet. Her guilt blinded her, making her believe that she wanted to save Ben. When in truth, she was looking for solace and the warmth that can only come from belonging to a real family.  

Let’s be real here, neither the Skeleton Key nor Get Out have a mad scientist who creates a beast with no heart.

Instead, Mama Cecil and the Armtages are the Frankensteins. They are the beasts. They steal bodies and use them for their personal use. Papa Armitage wanted to increase his running time and thought that having a black pair of legs was just what he needed to help him do it. Logan, wanted to be younger and hipper. Not to mention that fact that he wanted to be wild man in the bedroom, and a black penis was just what he needed. Jim Hudson wanted Chris’ eyes. This way, he could appropriate his work, much like art, dance, and music has been appropriated all throughout American history. But there is always a dark side to taking people’s souls. And no, it’s not just guilt. When you absorb someone’s soul, you’re also absorbing their negative energy that comes along with it. This energy manifests into addictions, depression, anxiety, and greed. Today, we have plenty of water and food, yet we are lonely, lacking inspiration and connection. We are dependent on cheap thrills and short bursts of pleasure to get us through the day, and we are becoming so jaded that almost nothing brings us joy. Many people feel that we just have rich people’s problems. In truth, we are showing many of the symptoms of a soul snatching Frankenstein.  We take, and take, and take, and take, consume, consume, consume, slowly devolving into monsters in human form. Just look at Thorpe family in the Skeleton Key. T

They were rich bankers, revered as gods, but acted as tyrants. 

They even killed two people, and no one batted an eye. The Armytage family snatched people right off the streets, choking them and dragging their limb body to their death house. And no one suspected a thing. No one reprimanded them for their heinous crimes. Why? Well because their behavior was so prevalent that it became normalized. It’s become normalized to take people’s shit, all while putting them at a distinctive disadvantage. In fact, people like the Armitage family are so Frankensteined that they had no issues wiping out an entire population for their benefit. We see this when Dean Armitage talks about his hatred of deer, and how they should all be wiped out, much like many of the tribes that have been gobbled up by Western influence and culture. Frankenstiens live in perpetual fear that the masses are going to rise up and take everything that they’ve got. We see this in the Skeleton Key where Mama Cecil and Papa Justify take over the souls of Thorpe’s children.  

I know that there are some people who believe in survival of the fittest.

They believe that nature favors the brave. That’s been the logic for the last two hundred plus years.  The people on the top keep evolving and reaping the benefits of being the strongest and the best, while people on the bottom are deteriorating at massive rates. But sadly, the people on top are suffering from their own afflictions. They’ve become so Frankensteined that they are no longer connected to their brothers and sisters. They lack empathy and compassion. Worse, they justify heinous acts with sentiments of entitlement and self-righteousness. Afterall, the Armitage family saw nothing wrong with kidnapping Black people and using them as moles.  Perhaps the biggest side effect of becoming a Frankenstein is your inability to feel joy, love, peace, and connection. The more you take, the less human emotions you’re able to feel!  This is a problem, because you’re never satisfied, you’re never content. People on top don’t have the full spectrum of human emotions. They can’t love. They can’t find joy. They will never find peace. They can only get off by gaining more power through seduction and coercion. Just look at the Armitage family, they could have stopped their little operation with just their family members. But, no, they had to set up auctions and invite friends and extended family to become part of the madness.  

Don’t be fooled, Frankenstiens, can be beautiful beast.

They can mimic human emotions and like Rose, can be incredible cunning. Now, there are some people who are confused about seduction. They think that it is a form of love. In truth, the seducer isn’t trying to build a healthy relationship of give and take. No, the seducer wants to manipulate and gain control of their victims. Younger women like Rose, do this using charm and sex. While older women like Violet and Mama Cecil, uses deception and wit. Both women used powerful forms of seductions, to plant seeds that can sprout all on their own. Seduction, unlike brute power, doesn’t need an overlord or a slave master to ensure its growth. All it needs is some form of negative emotion and it will thrive. Both Chris and Caroline were harboring negative emotions of guilt, regret, and most importantly longing. Chris was longing to be part of a family. He was longing to be accepted. Longing is a negative emotion, because it always makes you feel that you can never be good enough. Once the seed of indoctrination is planted, there’s no need for further brainwashing. The process is complete, you’ve fallen into the sunken place, and will be forever a slave.  

Now, now, there’s no need for all the doom and gloom. Afterall,

Get Out has a happy ending. Chris, uses the cotton from the overstuffed chair, to stop the brainwashing, allowing him to escape. However, he didn’t just escape from the prison that was stealing his soul.  He escaped from the prison of guilt that was infecting his mind. He no longer desired to be loved, by people who had no real desire to love him back. He no longer wanted to be part of the Armitage family. He no longer felt the guilt from abandoning his mother while in need. And he no longer felt totally alone, knowing that his real family would always come to his rescue. So, what do you think about Get out and the soul snatching Frankenstein? Please sound off in the comments below.  

Modern Mystic

Do you love witches, wizards, zombies, vampires, and ghouls? Well, you are in the right place. HiddenMovieMessages is all about doing a deep dive and analyzing the best films, scenes, characters and television series, all from a mystical perspective. Join my Patreon for private livestreams. And don’t forget to help a starving artist out. Click on the link below and buy the Voodoo Love Series.

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Modern Mystic

Do you love witches, wizards, zombies, vampires, and ghouls? Well, you are in the right place. HiddenMovieMessages is all about doing a deep dive and analyzing the best films, scenes, characters and television series, all from a mystical perspective. Join my Patreon for private livestreams. And don’t forget to help a starving artist out. Click on the link below and buy the Voodoo Love Series.