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Are you getting the best value for your energy?  

We live in a society of commerce, where money is king, and relationships are queen. However, there is a princess of madness that can potentially usurp the throne. No. I am not talking about Danny Targaryen from Game of Thrones. If you can’t take a hint, I am talking about sex. Yes, the forbidden word and action that really makes the world go around. People go crazy over it, lose all their money by becoming obsessed with it, and make a fortune from just having it. Since sex is such a taboo topic in many cultures, it’s difficult for us to understand how it shapes our very being, and acts as the core of almost every social construct. Harlots on Hulu shows us the cruddy underworld of sex workers. And how they use it to not only build careers, but also massive fortunes. So in this video, I am going to explain how sex can be used as a trade, and how you can get the most value for your time and energy. Yes, you’re going to want to stay tune for this one.  

It’s no secret that sex is a form of power.

It’s also no secret that women are in complete control of it. Men may revert to unscrupulous tactics to get their needs met, but in the end, the woman reigns supreme. For this reason, women are severely mistreated and abused all over the world. And the biggest oppressor of women, is sadly, other women. However, what people fail to touch on is how people are making money hand over fist by pimping out their counterparts. I know, the booty business is the oldest profession in the world. There are countless shows that depict drug addicted, orphaned, abandoned, downtrodden, women, who turned to the streets to survive. They are beaten and abused and seek the help of a male pimp to protect them, from the blanks of society. However, there are a few shows like Harlot that shine light on the Mademes, the bawds who sell booty for profit. They are cunning, ambitious, and incredibly beautiful women who managed to climb up the ranks of society to establish both wealth and statues. Mrs. Margaret Wells and Mrs. Blank Quigly come to mind. I have to say that it was a delight to watch two amazing actresses on the big screen. And if you watch my other videos, you know that I am huge of Samatha Morton.  

 I mean who wouldn’t sympathize with a poor little girl whose mother sold her for a pair of shoes.

Mrs. Margaret Wells was sold, much like a slave girl, to Mrs. Quigly, who in turn used her youth, innocence, and beauty for profit. Booty for profit, I always say. From this experience, Margaret and her good friend Nancy vowed to break free from Mrs. Quigly’s coven, I mean, brothel. They would start their own booty for profit business, only they would do things differently. They would treat their women with dignity and respect. Each member would be treated like family.  Mrs. Margaret Wells, along with most protagonists, starts off with good intentions. But she starts to lose her morale footing when she is continually challenged by Mrs. Quigly.  Her husband, Mr. North, is attacked by bandits, and she is charged with misconduct and fined by the city magistrate. In truth, Margaret always had issues with self-worth, ever since she was betrayed by her own mother and seemingly abandoned by her father. As a result, she chases fame, fortune, and rich lords to compensate for their damaged ego.  

Mrs. Margaret Wells along with the other women in the series are victims of poverty and abuse.

With no skills or supportive family members they are forced to sell their wares. Some are petty laborers, who are strictly transactional. While others, why the others are artisans. Charlotte Wells  and Emily Lacey aren’t just beautiful, but incredibly cunning. They understand how to create experiences that not only exhilarate their hosts but also drive them mad with obsession. Charlotte was able to get Sir George wrapped around her little finger. So much so that she was his kept mistress. She accompanied him to fancy balls and dinners, wore the best gowns, and gave him the best fucking time of his life. Emily Lacy was able to put the moves on Charles, Mrs. Quigly’s son. Charles, a momma’s boy, never experienced the wit and charm of Miss. Emily Lacey. And within a short span of time, he was silly putty in her hands. His obsession didn’t turn deadly like Sir George. In fact, Emily Lacey helped him grow a pair. She helped him stand up to his abusive mother, all so he could establish a life of his own. Things don’t always end well for beautiful courtesans like Emily Lacey and Charlotte Wells. Some Harlots have to brave the foul streets of London, risking abuse, mistreatment and disease. Mary Cooper was put out by Mrs. Quigly, only to catch a terrible disease, only to be saved and housed by Margaret. 

Some women result to petty thief to subsidize their booty business.

While others drown their sorrows in booze. Yet, there are some are some, who will fight tooth and nail to attain and maintain their freedom. Harriet, a slave girl from the cost of Virgina, slept her way to the top. Her Mistress corpse wasn’t even cold, before she crawled into her Masters bed. Harriet understood that being a comfort girl would relieve her from many of the discomforts of being, well, a slave girl. Her booty business was all about securing her future, protecting herself, and her children. This is a trait that she continually exhibits on the show. She has the hots for Mr. North, Margaret’s husband. She doesn’t like him because he is one heck of a looker. She likes him because she knows that he can offer her the protection that she so desires. But we will talk more about Mr. North later. Now, let’s get to Mrs. Lydia Quigly.  I know, she’s not very likable. In fact, she comes off as the bogeywoman in a white powdered wig. However, Lydia Quigly has passed her prime. She can no longer wrap her legs around a man. However, she can use her skill and wit as tentacles to swath his mind.  

So many women are afraid of getting older. They are afraid of losing their youthfulness and beauty.

However, people like Mrs. Quigly embrace the wisdom of being an old maid. In fact, she used it as an advantage. Mrs. Quigly had been around the block. She had listened to many late-night pillow talks and knew what made men tick.   She understood how to play coy, so men could think that she can be easily manipulated. Only to pull out the winning hand, when her male counterparts thought that she was properly defeated. More importantly, Mrs. Lydia Quigly used the booty business to elevate her to the highest social structures.  Unlock her nemesis, Margaret Wells, she was able to rub elbows with society’s elite, gaining power, wealth, and connections all in the process. She was indeed a force to be reckoned with, even if she had cruel intentions. She was in the dirty business and would do virtually anything to stay on top. And speaking of dirty business. Harriot did Margaret wrong by trying to take her man Mr. North.  

Mr. Lennox, Harriet’s proxy husband, desired Margaret and confessed to even being in love with her.

So just maybe, Harriet was trying to get back at her. In truth, sex can get really dirty, but love, love cannot. There was love between Margaret and Mr. North. With love, relationships aren’t transactional, but transformational. Mr. North didn’t appear to be a wealthy aristocrat. He did seem to be a man of his word, protecting and fighting for Margaret, even fathering her children. This was a quality that Harriet desired, but she couldn’t break up their marriage. Why? Because there was true love there. Now, the booty business can be strictly transactional, but when operated correctly, it can turn into love. In fact, sexual energy and loving energy are on the same spectrum. Only loving energy is on a higher tier. Some people are small time peddlers, eking out a living through the sex trade. Some are like Charlotte and even Mrs. Quigly, gaining massive fortunes and becoming famous Mademes and Courtesans. While others like Margaret Wells and Mr. North. They use their energy to create loving, lasting, and divine relationships. What are your thoughts about the booty business? Are you getting the best value for energy? Please sound off in the comments below.  

Modern Mystic

Do you love witches, wizards, zombies, vampires, and ghouls? Well, you are in the right place. HiddenMovieMessages is all about doing a deep dive and analyzing the best films, scenes, characters and television series, all from a mystical perspective. Join my Patreon for private livestreams. And don’t forget to help a starving artist out. Click on the link below and buy the Voodoo Love Series.

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Modern Mystic

Do you love witches, wizards, zombies, vampires, and ghouls? Well, you are in the right place. HiddenMovieMessages is all about doing a deep dive and analyzing the best films, scenes, characters and television series, all from a mystical perspective. Join my Patreon for private livestreams. And don’t forget to help a starving artist out. Click on the link below and buy the Voodoo Love Series.