Now, you probably read that title and thought to yourself, what is this woman talking about, Cersei got her butt whipped, especially in the final episodes where Deanery’s dragon burned down all of Westeros, including Kings Landing.

Now, you probably read that title and thought to yourself, what is this woman talking about, Cersei got her butt whipped, especially in the final episodes where Deanery’s dragon burned down all of Westeros, including Kings Landing.

Afterall, Deanery’s was still standing while Cersei was being buried alive under a ton of brinks. Yes, I know, and I have debated making this video, because I knew that all the Deanery’s stans would stalk my comment sections, cursing me out, telling me that I don’t know what I am talking about. However, I believe that Cersei wasn’t really trying to win the battle of the queens. She knew that she couldn’t take Deanery’s down. Instead, she allowed Deanery’s to destroy herself from within. Let me explain.  

It’s no secret that men fight differently than woman. Yes, we’ve all seen those awful movies where a ninety-five-pound woman is beating up a two-hundred-pound man.

Movies like this, don’t seem to fair well, because women tend not to throw punches. Let’s face it, women are not really groomed to be physically violent. Men, on the other hand, have to prove their manhood. They not only have to learn how to throw punches, but also how to take one too. This is perhaps why the Battle of the Bastards was on the most successful episodes of Game of Thrones. It was equipped with the Nordic Free People–also known as the Wildlings, Giant, bastards, Boltons, and Starks, all fighting to win back Winterfell. In other movies like Rocky, which features a man rising from the pits of poverty and despair, gets a once in a lifetime shot at the heavy weight champion title. Movies like Rocky echo my sentiments.  Men, prove their mainlines through violence. In the movie, everyone in the crowd is cheering as Rocky slurs through his victory speech, his eye swollen shut, his lip busted, his ego bigger than the stadium he was fighting in.  From watching these movies, we inherently understand that it’s not just about how many punches you throw. Rather, it’s about how much pain you can endure. Now, it’s no secret that men can endure a great deal more of physical pain than women. While women, can endure more emotional pain than men. And this is why when two queens battle, it’s mostly about the infliction of emotional pain, and not physical.  

Cersei, could arguably be the most dislikeable character on Game of Thrones. However, her bitterness and bitchiness were brewed over years of being married to man who didn’t like her, much like love her.

Still, it’s hard to feel any real type of sympathy for Cersei, especially seeing how she treats her younger brother Tyrian throughout all eight seasons of Game of Thrones. Yet, Cersei had a special place in her heart for her children. It was the love for her children that kept her grounded, thus keeping her from teetering over to the dark side much sooner in the series. Cersei was protected by her father and loved by her twin brother. His love was unconditional, hers? Ugh.  Anyway, I am telling you all this to say that Cersei, was loved, by her brother and even by her children. With that said, she had a strong foundation from which to work from. Deanery’s on the other hand didn’t.  

She was born beautiful yes, but that’s really about it. She was robbed from her homeland, having to flee Westeros when she was just a mere child.

All of her family members were slaughtered or exiled, the Targaryen dragons were all gone, and worse, she had to live with her egomaniac brother. She barely hit puberty before he sold her off to the Khal Drogo, in exchange for an army that he could never command. Throughout the series, Danny’s able to find her wings (no pun intended). She does this when she is able to hatch up a small litter of deadly, fire breathing dragons. Things change for Danny, with dragons she is able to not only climb up the social ladder, but destroy entire towns and villages in the process. However, Danny never finds love, not really.  The people who love her, are not her equals, but were put in her path to serve her. Her subjects were even self-serving and self-righteous, betraying her at the drop of the hat. Even worse, she was deemed barren, after being cursed by a blood magick witch.

Deanery’s unlike Cersei couldn’t never bear children to love. You could argue that Deanery’s loved Khal Drago, and he loved her too. And after he died, her loved was bestowed on her precious dragons.  Truth be told, Deanery’s never had the unfaltering love and loyalty of a Jamie Lannister. We all believed that just maybe she might find some companionship with Jon Snow, only for the relationship to be ruined once we learned that they are related. Daenarys is still a respected and beloved queen in the Free Cities. But when she comes to Westeros to help Jon Snow fight against the White Walkers, she is greeted with indifference and even disdain. Deanery’s is a stranger in her own home, and pushed beyond her limits when her best friend is murdered by Cersei. Cersei, understanding the pain of loss, after losing all of her children, took her first punch. And it was TKO knock out.  

You see, women fight by inflicting severe emotional pain onto to others. In most cases, it is a pain that they have felt, or are feeling themselves. 

Much like throwing a punch, their intentions are to completely destroy their opponents.  Cersei understood the power of losing a loved one when she murdered Missandei. She also understood how it felt to be shamed and hated by the townspeople who were supposed to worship and respect her. And she wanted Danny to feel that pain. She wanted the townspeople to lose respect for her, that’s why she led them into the gates of king’s Landing. She wanted them to be slaughtered like sheep.  She wanted Danny to feel alone and rejected. Cersei wanted her to become unhinged and wreak havoc on all the people she was supposed to save and protect. She wanted Danny to destroy herself. And in the end, she did. Cersei died in very much the same way she was born, in the arms of her lover and twin brother.  While, Danny was killed by the only men she could truly love. A quote from the Art of War, states that the ultimate excellence lies not in winning every battle, but in defeating the enemy without ever fighting them.” And with that, I am sounding off.  

Modern Mystic

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Modern Mystic

Do you love witches, wizards, zombies, vampires, and ghouls? Well, you are in the right place. HiddenMovieMessages is all about doing a deep dive and analyzing the best films, scenes, characters and television series, all from a mystical perspective. Join my Patreon for private livestreams. And don’t forget to help a starving artist out. Click on the link below and buy the Voodoo Love Series.