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Would you date the Vampire Lestat? The younger me would have said, hell yeah. He checks off all my boxes. He’s eternally youthful, has flair and style, is charming, rich, and loves music. What’s not to like? However, when you peel back the layers of the Vampire Lestat, you see him for what he truly is. He is a blood sucking vampire. Of course, he is a fictional character, conjured up by the amazing mind of Annie Rice.  However, we all love him, because he represents some of the real energy vampires that we have or have had in our lives. He represents the narcissists who seeks to drain our blood and work to steal our light and souls.  So, in this video, we are going to do a deep dive, to understand the real meaning of narcissism, and why narcissistic relationships are almost always destined to fail.  

The narcissist never loved you  

I’ve read Annie Rices’ book, The Vampire Lestat, and I have to say that Sam Ried is mesmerizing. He really does a great job at bringing the character to life. I had to admit, I read The Vampire Lestat first when I was young, and man, I couldn’t understand why Louis wanted to kill him Then, as I got older, wiser, and a bit more jaded, I began to understand their relationship. Lestat didn’t love Louis.  He loved the idea of being in love. Yeah, he appeared to dote on him, and fawn on him, but Lestat loves the hunt. He is enthralled with the art of seduction and loved to ensnarl people into his trap. That was the very thing that turned Lestat on about Louis. Upon seeing him for the first time, he loved the fact that Louis, a pimp in Storyville, was able to pull out a knife and threaten to slash his zealot brother on those New Orleans streets. Upon first observation, Lestat believed that Louis was just as calculated and vicious as he was. Louis was a man who lured in innocent women, turning them into prostitutes, all for clout, money, and profit.  

Understanding narcissistic hoovering 

Only, Lestat believed that Louis enjoyed pimping out women for profit, in much the same way that Lestat enjoyed draining the blood and light out of his victims. But Louis was briming with self-hatred and shame. He tried to assuage his guilt by telling himself that his questionable business practices were to save his family. Yet, he felt a sense of power and allure being a pimp out there on those streets. Yes, my friend’s power is one hell of a drug. And Lestat, being predator, knew how to get Louis wrapped around his little finger. He had to show him how powerful he was. He had to throw around some money, speak to him telepathically, and make him feel like he could confide in him. Louis, having just lost his father, and tired of being ridiculed and shamed by his zealot brother, opened up to Lestat. Lestat filled the void, took away his shame, and gave Louis a sense of intimacy that he had never experienced before. Louis, during this seduction phase, couldn’t see or even understand that Lestat was grooming him to be his companion. Or, in Louis’ eyes, his lifetime slave.  

What is narcissistic love bombing 

And this my friends is how the energy vampire works. Lestat is fattening Louis’ up, seasoning him just right, cooking him slowly, all while salivating and waiting to dive in. In fact, it was Lestat himself who said that restraint was his biggest strength, and one of the best tools that he had in his seduction arsenal. And Lestat in his own mind, believed he was in love. Only Lestat had one serious problem. He was a vampire. He was the devil that walked about at night and was blocked off from light and love. This is why he needed to feed and drain the life-force out of others. He did it slowly and methodically, simmering the taste and the experience, seeping up the joy and the light from others that he could no longer access himself. Lestat’s victims were lucky enough to die and be put out of their misery. Yet, Louis on the other hand, was not so lucky. Once he became Lestat’s partner, he would be drained of all his light. He would lose his family, his business, and even his self-respect, what little he had to begin with.  

Why do narcissists stay in long term relationships  

As the years progressed, the relationship fizzled, only because the art of seduction is all about illusion. When reality sets in, Lestat begins to realize that Louis is not a predator. In fact, he is a gentle creature, a fledging vampire who is averse to killing.  Louis begins to loath Lestat’s hunting rituals, calling them extravagant and honestly cruel. Lestat had lost all of his humanity and gained a sick pleasure in making people suffer before he killed them. This was a major turnoff to Louis, because he never truly enjoyed hurting people. Disappointment sets in, and both Louis and Lestat realized that they misjudged each other. Lestat was content with abusing his power, using none of it to actually help people. While Louis wanted to evolve, to not be a slave to the blood, to master his instincts and have a mutual respect for humanity. Their relationship soon devolves where Louis wants Lestat to be more humane. While Lestat wants Louis to embrace his predator nature and be a savage. The only problem is that Louis understands the consequences of his actions and feels remorse. Lestat, on other hand, doesn’t. So then, you have two vampires, who are polor  opposites, with nothing to ground them, except for their need for blood. Well, that was until Claudia entered the picture. Yet, she is a topic that will be discussed on a later date.  

Why do narcissists stay in long term relationships 

So what’s the moral of this story? The moral of this story is that we fall in love with illusions of who we think people are. Then, when the real them materializes, we are disappointed. In most cases, we see the red flags. Yet, we are swept up by the tidal waves of falling in love, that we fail to consider them.  The solution? Well, we shouldn’t  make important life decisions in haste. And two, we have to know as much about ourselves as possible before embarking on a long-term relationship. This way, we won’t be blinded by illusions, cut off from the light, and forced to suffer in darkness.  

Modern Mystic

Do you love witches, wizards, zombies, vampires, and ghouls? Well, you are in the right place. HiddenMovieMessages is all about doing a deep dive and analyzing the best films, scenes, characters and television series, all from a mystical perspective. Join my Patreon for private livestreams. And don’t forget to help a starving artist out. Click on the link below and buy the Voodoo Love Series.

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Modern Mystic

Do you love witches, wizards, zombies, vampires, and ghouls? Well, you are in the right place. HiddenMovieMessages is all about doing a deep dive and analyzing the best films, scenes, characters and television series, all from a mystical perspective. Join my Patreon for private livestreams. And don’t forget to help a starving artist out. Click on the link below and buy the Voodoo Love Series.