I use a lot of dirty words. And no, I am not talking about F bombs. I am talking about really dirty stuff like black magic, witchcraft, and spell casting, all words that are considered taboo in some circles. I guess I have to face the fact that I am a faceless Youtuber with a potty mouth.

I use a lot of dirty words. And no, I am not talking about F bombs. I am talking about really dirty stuff like black magic, witchcraft, and spell casting, all words that are considered taboo in some circles. I guess I have to face the fact that I am a faceless Youtuber with a potty mouth. Everything I spit out in my articles, books, and videos, is pure trash in some people’s eyes. And yes, I am sure that there are many people who would like to hang me as a witch. But if you don’t like me. Well, all I can say is. Come get it bitch. Let’s just say that I have a great deal of Internet courage hiding behind the screen, and in this video, I am going to dish out the truth about witchcraft and how learning the craft can help you go from rags to witches.  

I used to be really offended when people called me a witch. I would adamantly deny that I had anything to do with witchcraft, and then go back to my altar and put a hex on them. No, no, I am just kidding. It was just a mere coincidence that everything in their lives turned to shit after they crossed me. And that’s my point, witches have power. And unlike the pretty girl in the room, who everyone secretly hates. People make it known that they hate witches. Why? Well, there are years upon years of indoctrination that is behind the hate. You see, for hundreds of years our ancestors were polytheists. They lived very close to nature and thus believed that there was a god of the wind, of the sky, of thunder, of love, and of fertility. With so many gods, societies devolved into dueling tribes.  And it became increasingly difficult to control people and unify them under one common cause. So, monotheism was introduced. Yet, in order for monotheism to work, the powers that be had to destroy the gods of goddesses of yesteryear. And what better way to do that than to target their worshippers. We see this entire theme playing out, in the 1996 cult classic The Craft.  

Nancy, the protagonist turned antagonist, represents all the women who were accused of being lose, and slutty. These were the women who were accused of fornicating with the devil. Why? Because you can’t use your sexuality as a means of gaining power. Anyone who does so is immediately classified as a witch. There is Bonnie, a humble, dowdy girl who is badly burned. Of course, her scars represent all the witches who were burned at the stake, for being witches of course.  There is Rachel, the only Black witch who is harassed by a racist mean girl. And she of course represents the degradation of African religions all across the world. Because how can people who practice Vodun be as evolved as those who worship Western Gods. It’s just not possible. Besides, black magic is evil, baneful, primal, and all the people who hold these views are just bleeping racist. Last but not least is Sarah. She is the naturally born witch, who has no idea how to use her power. As a result, the power turns inward, becomes self-destructive causing Sarah to become depressed and even suicidal. All the girls go to the same private Catholic school. A Christian intuition that was notorious for killing witches.  

Witches now are known as the misfits, and the weirdos. They are the wanton women who use their sexuality as a means of power. However, that wasn’t always the case. Witches used to be healers. People from all walks of life traveled to seek their guidance, and tribal leaders consulted with them before making major life decisions. They were revered and thought to have a special connection to God and Mother Earth. Some people believed that witches possessed some form of supernatural power. They believed that witches could see the future, perform miracles, and cure diseases almost entirely. They could do this because they understood the inner workings of Mother Earth. And as a result, they could help people amass riches, love, healing and good health. We see this in The Craft, where Nancy transforms from a downtrodden girl to a wealthy woman. Bonnie’s scars magically disappear –through a miraculous medical procedure.

Rachel is finally able to seek revenge on the racist mean girl who had been bullying her. And Sarah is able to give Chris a taste of his own medicine, by ensnarling him in a powerful love spell. Sadly, because of the witch hunts, there is a great deal of information that has been lost in translation. And people today fail to understand that our ancestors operated from a different mind-set. They believe that we are all one. They believed that everything and everyone is interconnected, thus hurting other people was tantamount to hurting yourself. Hence the saying, that whatever you put out there, comes back to you three times over. However, what people fail to understand is that practicing witchcraft is much harder today. Why? Well, because we don’t operate with the same mindset as our ancestors.  We live in a very selfish, egotistical culture, where we are groomed to always put our own needs first. And sadly, many of us have been victims of trauma, adversity, and even abuse. This is a problem, because whenever you start tapping into the earthly power that is associated with witchcraft. The earthly power magnifies the darkness and the light that is already inside of you.  

You see this, when Nancy becomes drunk with power and turns into a complete nut. The darkness is so powerful within her, that she loses control of it. Nancy, and her witch minions attack Sarah. Sarah, in a state of desperation, realizes that she can only fight back by surrendering. She knows that she has to be an empty vessel, in order to do that, you have to surrender completely to the forces of Mother Nature. By doing this, none of your own darkness is magnified. Rather, you are an empty vessel that nature works through. Nature will then work to seek balance, causing the least amount of damage, while relieving you from any responsibility and repercussions from the outcome. Sarah, a young distressed, and often suicidal young woman, transforms from this process. Unlike, Nancy, she doesn’t go batshit crazy. Instead, she becomes an incredible powerful witch. She becomes a bad ass witch. Don’t worry, you can amass this kind of power too. All you have to do is surrender, trust, love, and allow Mama Nature to run her course.  

Modern Mystic

Do you love witches, wizards, zombies, vampires, and ghouls? Well, you are in the right place. HiddenMovieMessages is all about doing a deep dive and analyzing the best films, scenes, characters and television series, all from a mystical perspective. Join my Patreon for private livestreams. And don’t forget to help a starving artist out. Click on the link below and buy the Voodoo Love Series.

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Modern Mystic

Do you love witches, wizards, zombies, vampires, and ghouls? Well, you are in the right place. HiddenMovieMessages is all about doing a deep dive and analyzing the best films, scenes, characters and television series, all from a mystical perspective. Join my Patreon for private livestreams. And don’t forget to help a starving artist out. Click on the link below and buy the Voodoo Love Series.