The key to breaking a soul tie bond relationship is to heal the wound that causes you to attract and bond with negative and toxic people. You can do this by lifting your vibrations and filling your soul up with love.

I have to confess, I love Bookie, and when I am talking about Bookie, I mean the dysfunctional but addictive relationship that both Vampire Bill, and half bread fae, Sookie shared. I can’t lie, I rooted for them throughout all seven seasons, and I was a little disappointed to learn that Sookie, did not end up with Bill in the end. But that’s when I got it. Sookie and Bill were wrapped up in a soul tie relationship that they needed to end. This is why Sookie staked Bill, and this is also why you should probably stake many of your deadbeat, loser boyfriends from your past.  I’ll tell you how and why in this video.  

The meaning of soul ties 

It all starts with lack. There is something that you want, desire, or crave. Or, there is a need that is deeply rooted inside of you that you have to get met. Afterall, that’s really what attraction is. It’s about energy, sexual energy, and the psychological attraction that you have to the opposite sex, or same sex, depending on your preference. People mistakenly believe that soul ties developed when two people engage in sex. However, the soul ties begin with attraction. In most cases, you’re attracted to someone because they exude some type of energy or fuel source that your soul needs. Or, in the case of a soul tie, you’re attracted to someone because you need them to satisfy a particular need or desires, but to also teach you lesson about your life in particular.  

What are the signs of soul ties?  

Just take a look at Bill and Sookie, they were on opposites sides of the spectrum in every way. Bill was dark, mischievous, and dead. And Sookie, was light, chipper, and fae. Bill was bored, having sexed up humans and vampires alike, And Sookie, was young, innocent, naïve, and inexperienced. There was a dark part of Bill that wanted to love again, as he did when he was alive and married to his first wife. And there was also a part of Sookie that wanted to experience love for the very first time. Afterall, her fae gifts, often viewed as an affliction, enabled her to hear the thoughts of others. This made it difficult for Sookie to find intimacy and thus connect with another human being. However, Vampire Bill’s neurons didn’t fire and wire like regular humans. And thus, he became the perfect match for someone like Sookie. While around him, she experienced, peace and tranquility, something that she couldn’t get from others. And this is when the soul tie started, with Sookie, craving the darkness that was inside of Bill and Bill craving the lightness that was inside of Sookie.  

Are soul ties mutual?  

I know, it’s a television show and much of it is not real. However, it is important to understand that these types of attractions normally turn into very toxic and dysfunctional relationships. When you look at that special person and feel your heart pound or flutter, chances are, that person is not good for you. Now, you’re probably pausing this video and asking yourself, what do you mean not good for me? Isn’t that what love and romance is? The answer to that question is both yes, and no. You see there are healthy soul ties and unhealthy or ungodly soul ties. A healthy soul tie may occur when a person is already whole. This person is looking to add to a relationship and not subtract. An unhealthily soul tie or ungodly soul tie is when a person is wounded and is looking for a partner to subconsciously heal their deep-seated wounds.  

How do soul ties work?  

What does that mean? Well, let’s take a look at Tara and Sam, again, their opposites in almost every single way. Yet, they have something in common, they’re both loved starved. What does it mean to be loved stared? Well, let’s just say that you grew up hungry. You grew up in a household where there wasn’t a lot of food. As a result, you’re malnourished. Then, someone offers you ice-cream, cookies, pies, and candies. You eat the junk food because you’re starving. However, the food offers no nutritional value whatsoever. Well, many people grow up starving for love. Their souls become emaciated and the only source of love that they get is junk love. This is the love that they get from sexual encounters, one night stands, or bonding with negative and toxic people. But sooner or later it’s not enough. The soul needs the energy of love, much like the body needs the nutrients from food. As result, the soul goes into panic mood, and desperation seeps in. This is when the soul tie turns into an obsession where one or both partners can turn violent towards each other.  

Soul ties and the meaning of blood 

And the obsession is strong, just like a midnight craving of mint chocolate ice-cream or double stuffed oreos, you can’t stop thinking about them. And you can’t rest until you eat it all. That’s how loved starved people operate. They need to have you or die. Or, this was at least the case with Vampire Bill and Sookie, or Sookie and basically all the vampires that she encountered. They all wanted a piece of that sweet blood. Why? Well because Sookie’s blood, represented something that no vampire could truly have, good old fashion sun light. While the vampires craved the blood of sunlight, humans craved the blood of vampires.  

Soul ties and emotional trauma 

Let’s just look at Jason and Amy, two addicts hooked on V. You would think that the V allowed them to bond on a much deeper level. But on the contrary. Both people had issues connecting on an intimate basis. Jason was a sex addict, and Amy was a social path. In the end, the only way that they knew how to get a real deep and intimate connection was by doing V. Besides, many of us have been there. We’ve all been in situations and in relationships with people who share many of our bad traits and virtually none of our good ones. And that my friends is what a soul tie is. It’s someone who lingers on and on, because he or she is holding onto your wounds, or the bad behaviors that you still share with them.  

Soul ties, strong holds, and energy transfer 

How to break soul ties? Well, if you were surfing the Internet, you would think that breaking soul ties is strictly a matter of saying a prayer or writing someone’s name down on a piece of paper. However, I am here to tell you that breaking a soul tie is much more difficult than that. For one, you need to heal. That wound inside of you is festering. And if you don’t tend to it, you will continue to attract and/or be obsessed with people or persons who aren’t truly good for you.  Now, healing is really simple. Now noticed, I said simple not easy. I say that it is simple because the only thing that you need to do to heal and break those soul ties is to give the soul something that it really needs, the nourishment of love. This may be difficult for a lot of people, especially those who are loved starved. However, if you start aligning, or allowing yourself to be mounted by a spirit or demon, they can provide you with all of the love that you need. I know, I was doing so well, and I had to start with the voodoo talk. Listen, don’t let politics get in the way of your healing process. If voodoo scares you, then work with Christ, or Buddha, or Jehovah, or whatever you believe in. The most important thing that you need to do is heal you original wound and give your soul the nourishment that it craves.  

Soul ties and how to break them  

I believe in the ancestors and chose to work with Oshun. And I make a daily practice to be on a loving vibration each day. Much like many people, I was one of those loved starved children. And if I don’t work on myself every day, I start to slip and befriend people who aren’t good for me. I do this with just one affirmation. I am love. I say this affirmation over and over again, so that my souls fill up with love. This way, I don’t feel depleted, desperate, or worse, filling up with junk love.   

Modern Mystic

Do you love witches, wizards, zombies, vampires, and ghouls? Well, you are in the right place. HiddenMovieMessages is all about doing a deep dive and analyzing the best films, scenes, characters and television series, all from a mystical perspective. Join my Patreon for private livestreams. And don’t forget to help a starving artist out. Click on the link below and buy the Voodoo Love Series.

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Modern Mystic

Do you love witches, wizards, zombies, vampires, and ghouls? Well, you are in the right place. HiddenMovieMessages is all about doing a deep dive and analyzing the best films, scenes, characters and television series, all from a mystical perspective. Join my Patreon for private livestreams. And don’t forget to help a starving artist out. Click on the link below and buy the Voodoo Love Series.