Why is M3GAN one of the best films of the year? Well because it is jammed back with action, adventure, and most importantly wisdom. Watching the movie felt like I was sitting through an engaging and entertaining therapy session, without having to pay 250 bucks for it.

People don’t give horror movies enough credit. Horror movies don’t get nominated for Emmys or Academy awards, or even Golden Glopes. In my opinion, M3GAN should be nominated for best film, best screen play, best actress, and best comedic performance by Ronny Chieng. Yes, I think that this guy is super funny. Why is M3GAN one of the best films of the year? Well because it is jammed back with action, adventure, and most importantly wisdom. Watching the movie felt like I was sitting through an engaging and entertaining therapy session, without having to pay 250 bucks for it. M3GAN, is a cautionary tale of bad parenting, grief, neglect, and inner child healing. So, in this video, I am going to explain why M3GAN is a manifestation of both parents and children’s worse fears. Please stay tuned.   

Why People Love Horror Movies 

Horror movies get no respect. Even though some of the best movies in the last decade have fallen into the horror category. People love horror because there is a sick and twisted part of them that likes to be scared. Another way to put it, is that people can ease their pain, and face their fears by living vicariously through the characters in a book or an actor on the big screen. Good horror captures the fears of the individual or of an entire society. Zombie movies encompass our fears of our society breaking down due to anarchy and corruption. Witches, in many cases represent the fear of an emerging threat or changing power dynamic. And scary dolls? Well, they represent childhood trauma. In many cases, the doll represents the loss of innocence, or the infliction of an original wound. Movies such as Chucky and Annabele, tell the horrific stories of innocent and childlike dolls, becoming animated, only to torture and kill people.   

M3GAN Synopsis 

Childhoods Trauma Explained  

However, M3GAN is different. Why? Well because M3GAN is not a doll. She is an android. She isn’t brought to life by magic or some crazy voodoo spell. She is brought to life by technology.  Her maker? Is a young workaholic named Gemma. She has created androids before, but none as nearly as sophisticated as M3GAN. Gemma seems to love being a toy maker but doesn’t share that same passion for rearing children. When her sister dies in a tragic car accident. Gemma absolutely takes no time to mourn. Instead, she drags her bereft niece to her home, and buries herself into her work, completely neglecting Cady and her need to bond with a strong parental figure. Gemma needed a solution for both Cady and herself, so she decides to build M3GAN. She is the ultimate toy, retailing at 10k. M3GAN is a toy that can not only replace all other toys. She can also replace an entire parent. She dishes out advice and warnings without tiring and has an abundant amount of energy to keep children entertained. M3GAN sounds like every parent and child’s dream. The only problem is that M3GAN starts to malfunction. Her sweet and endearing nature turns sour, even malicious in her efforts to protect Cady. She pulls a young bully’s ear clean off, before she chases him out to traffic to get run down by a car. She kills Dewey, a seemingly friendly and docile dog that attacked M3GAN and Cady. Then, M3GAN turns full psycho. Like Dexter, she creates a kill room in the garage and murders poor Celia with a watering hose. Yet, M3GAN is not finished. She engages in her own little dance, before chasing David with a paper cutter, only to slash his throat when he makes it to the elevator. M3GAN escapes, breaks into Gemma’s house and engages in one of the best all out fights in horror history.  

Gemma did, the bare minimum and expected the M3GAN to just figure things out as she went. Gemma took this same approach to Cady. Instead of trying to bond with her and helping her grieve. She forced poor Cady to push the trauma of both her parent’s death into her subconscious mind. Now this is a very important concept to understand, because our subconscious mind is known as our inner child. Our inner child is one huge database that stores all of our emotions and past experiences. Trauma is much like malware, corrupting the files in our subconscious mind. Once these files are corrupted, we start to go haywire, simply because our inner child is wounded. And if our inner child is wounded, those emotions that we didn’t feel when we were children, come back into our present day. Buried emotions may cause us to have low self-esteem, or worse, we become people who are easily manipulated and misguided. We saw this happening in Chappie, where a childlike robot, was forced into the life of crime. We watched so many movies about artificial intelligence, not realizing that artificial intelligence represents the subconscious mind. Much like M3GAN, our subconscious mind can grow and expand. Yet, we need to be very careful about how we program it, and what parameters we decide to use. Most importantly, we need to learn how to turn the thing on, and off when it’s not in use. M3GAN is a brilliant movie about how a wounded inner child, can destroy not only a young girl, but her entire family.   

Modern Mystic

Do you love witches, wizards, zombies, vampires, and ghouls? Well, you are in the right place. HiddenMovieMessages is all about doing a deep dive and analyzing the best films, scenes, characters and television series, all from a mystical perspective. Join my Patreon for private livestreams. And don’t forget to help a starving artist out. Click on the link below and buy the Voodoo Love Series.

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Modern Mystic

Do you love witches, wizards, zombies, vampires, and ghouls? Well, you are in the right place. HiddenMovieMessages is all about doing a deep dive and analyzing the best films, scenes, characters and television series, all from a mystical perspective. Join my Patreon for private livestreams. And don’t forget to help a starving artist out. Click on the link below and buy the Voodoo Love Series.