This year is not starting off too badly. I watched the Serpent Queen and the first episode of the Mayfair Witches streaming on AMC. I read some scathing reviews about the Mayfair Witches and wondered if AMC would be able to pull it off.

This year is not starting off too badly. I watched the Serpent Queen and the first episode of the Mayfair Witches streaming on AMC. I read some scathing reviews about the Mayfair Witches and wondered if AMC would be able to pull it off. I think that they did a pretty good job.  Besides, the book was hot and steamy, and honestly, made me want to have my own little demon. Hell, I could have used a demon growing up. A demon could have helped me amass a major fortune, buy a fancy house in New Orleans, and even help me live to a ripe old age. And if you haven’t read Anne Rice’s book, The Witching Hour, then you should know that demons are particularly good at performing mind blowing sex. Yes, a demon would solve all of my problems. In fact, if I had a demon in my life, you would never hear from me again. It’s sad that almost every movie and TV series portray demons as being evil entities. I’ve found them to be quite the contrary, and in this video, I am going to explain why demons are a girl’s best friend. Please stay tuned.  

So, you’ve heard of the good angels, Aziraphale, Michael, and Gabriel. They are the good guys, working in gods’ favor. You’ve also heard of the demons, the falling angels who were cursed to roam the fiery pits of hell. Demons like Crowley who are all about mischief and mayhem. But sadly, there are a few angels and demons that never made the cut. Yes, my friends, our ancestors believed in polytheism and there was a demon or angel for every day of the week. They weren’t always referred to as demons, yet their purpose was all the same. Many of the old-world deities were thought to have some kind of supernatural power that could break all the rules of physics and change reality entirely. If you had an enemy and wanted to get rid of him, you called out to Odun the god of war, or Ogun the Orisha of battle. If you needed to get pregnant to keep your husband from straying, you may have called out to Demeter, or Yemaya, both goddess of fertility and abundance. Truth be told there was a god, or goddess for every occasion. That was until the great emperor Constantine decided that people should serve and worship, only one god.  

As a result of this, there were only a few gods who made the cut. And since, people were allowed to worship one god, well all of the secondary gods needed to be demoted to angels. Yet, people simply couldn’t forget Anansi, the Jinn, and Oshun. Afterall, they’ve been worshipping these gods for thousands upon thousands of years. So, the powers that be needed to find a way to discourage people from worshipping false gods and idols. And what better way to do that than to demonize many of the ancient gods. Still, many people worshipped in practice. Yet, when they were caught, they were whipped, hanged, and persecuted to deter others from these sinful practices. But the word spread, and people soon realized that if the main god couldn’t help them out, then there were other gods that were willing to do the trick. So, people appealed to the goddess of Oshun for love. Freya for power and luck, and Odin for vitality, wisdom, and sight. Most people were too afraid to work with many of the ancient deities. Afterall, they were brainwashed to believe that they were evil. However, the brave ones were able to snatch up as many of these ancient deities as possible. They promised them worshipped in exchange for power, money, prosperity, and of course protection.  

Many of these ancient deities served the purpose of being Damons, angels who protected both the family and family line. Much like Lasher, in the Mayfair Witches, these Damons were passed down through the generations to grant favors and good fortune. In return, family members would reward Damons with worship and veneration.  In fact, Damons can be in family lines for thousands upon thousands of years. Sadly, over the years these Damons have gotten a bad reputation and have been reclassified as demons. Demons unlike Damons are malevolent and seek to manipulate the shadow aspects of self.  

These Demons have an alternative agenda. They may grant wishes, stimulate pleasure, offer guidance, and protection. Yet, their ultimate goal may be to take over one’s soul completely. After all, it was Lasher who needed to impregnant the thirteenth witch, Rowan, so that he can be born again. I know what you’re thinking, the riches, the fame, and all the orgasms just aren’t worth it, especially if you have to give birth to a demon child. But what you fail to understand is that the Demon is only going to bring out what’s already inside of you. They feed on darkness, distract you with earthly pleasures, all so they can cajole you to their bidding. And if you don’t have any darkness within you, then you won’t have to worry about manifesting evil. This is the reason why many people call on arc angels for guidance, love, and support. While many people reach out to the Seven African Powers for wisdom and courage. They do so because these angels can offer them additional guidance and protection. These angels, or Damons, or Orishas feed off of our energy, and if our energy is dark and evil, the wishes that they grant for you will be dark and evil as well. Don’t you see, it doesn’t matter what gods you worship. All that matters is what’s inside of your heart. And if you’re constantly swatting at flies, then that means that you’re full of shit. Now, many people may watch or read the Mayfair Witches and believed that it’s a cautionary tale as to why you shouldn’t mess with demons. I looked at it, as a generation of women, suffering from trauma, incest, and abuse. Women who need their own little entourage of Damons to fix it.  

Modern Mystic

Do you love witches, wizards, zombies, vampires, and ghouls? Well, you are in the right place. HiddenMovieMessages is all about doing a deep dive and analyzing the best films, scenes, characters and television series, all from a mystical perspective. Join my Patreon for private livestreams. And don’t forget to help a starving artist out. Click on the link below and buy the Voodoo Love Series.

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Modern Mystic

Do you love witches, wizards, zombies, vampires, and ghouls? Well, you are in the right place. HiddenMovieMessages is all about doing a deep dive and analyzing the best films, scenes, characters and television series, all from a mystical perspective. Join my Patreon for private livestreams. And don’t forget to help a starving artist out. Click on the link below and buy the Voodoo Love Series.